Written March 31, 2014
Hey Family!!!
So, it is so good to hear from y'all again! I still don't have my I-pad working for email yet, but hopefully soon I will. Like two weeks ago I dropped my ipad, and the screen on it cracked, so I took it into the mission office at transfers and was able to get on of the departing missionary's iPads.
I thought I would tell you a little about the temporal things that I have been up to and things I have found first, and then I could tell you about the spiritual nature of the work. A few weeks ago we went to Starbucks so that we could use the wifi there and I wanted something to drink. I think Aunt Kara had told me about something she called a steamer, so I asked if I could have one. They asked me what flavor we would like, and I didn't know, so I said raspberry and hazelnut sound really good. Can I do that? That drink was one of the most amazing things I have ever tasted!! We went back and got more a few different times, but they were somewhat expensive on a missionary budget, so I thought "why don't we just make our own?" so we did. We went to Wal-Mart and got the Italian Ice syrup stuff in raspberry and hazelnut. Then we just heat up the milk in the microwave like you would hot chocolate and pour in some syrup. They aren't quite as good as Starbucks, but they get the job done :) lately we have had one like every morning with our study's. haha.
I crashed my bike for the first time this past week too! It wasn't anything bad, but I'm totally counting it as my fist wreck. (if I can't wreck a car anymore, might as well crash my bike) it had rained the night before and was somewhat cold outside still when we went out. As I went to turn the corner my bike kept going straight and then decided to slide out sideways from under me haha no big deal, but thought it was kind of funny. made me sad it ripped up my pants a little when I hit the asphalt.
My companion and I also started working out this past week so that we could look good for the summer ;) the first day, and every other day we do a workout called the "Spartacus" workout. its a 30 min high intensity high rep workout. the first day we did it I felt like I was going to pass out though! You know how when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and I just about passed out?! That's like exactly how I felt when I was almost done with this workout. and then on the off days that we don't do that workout we just run around the complex we live in 5 times (which is about 25 minutes). We are trying to do a low-carb diet as well. haha I'm determined to loose some weight!!!
That is so crazy that Andy has submitted his papers and that Tate already has his call. leave I think the reason that so many of these missionary's who are getting their calls now are going foreign is because I think all of the missions in the US are at full capacity. I know in our mission, every ward but one or two has two sets of missionary's, and some even have three sets. So at this point I don't think we can handle many more missionary's in the states and they need them oversees, but that is just my thoughts. We are at the point now that we have to start doing more with more and using the resources we have been given to their fullest potential.
We are so excited for general conference!! I love the ability that modern technology affords us to be able to hear the words of a living Prophet of God that walks the earth today! What an amazing experience and privilege. We started teaching this wonderful girl. She is 19 and is so great. Hopefully she will be baptized in the coming weeks. she has a date for the 12th, but we will see what happens. She has great and amazing faith though! She loved the idea of a modern prophet living and walking the earth today, and the fact that we could all listen to his council. and that we have evidence of all of this being true. She is so great though! She missed church this week, and we aren't quite sure why. She loved church, and loved the members. She is growing a great relationship with some of the members. But, she read in the pamphlet we gave her that we should always look our best for the Lord and where the best we have. She only has one dress though, and said she needed to go shopping for more dresses to wear. So, we think maybe she didn't come because she had nothing to wear, but we aren't sure. But an awesome sister in the ward that is fellowshipping her is so great and offered her to borrow anything in her wardrobe to wear so she can feel comfortable. So great!!
We will have our Zone Meeting this week which is really exciting. I love going to meetings, because it is an opportunity to feel of the spirit and get re-motived to do the work. That is why our leaders are so great! I feel like the leadership in this mission top notch and the best of the best. The missionary's here are the best you could find anywhere. it is great to be able to go to these meetings and feel of their light/love and their motivation for the work. I continually strive to learn from their council and apply it into my teaching and make it a part of me. Some missionary's have a "missionary" personality, and a "themselves" personality. I have learned that the missionary's who don't just become another person, but actually change themselves for the better are those missionary's who are successful, and ultimately those people who are successful. The most important thing we can do is to just be ourselves. then we recognize the weaknesses that we ourselves have, and we fix those things and become better. that way when we get home, we don't leave the missionary self in the mission and come back nearly the same person we left as, but we are that same person all the time, so we are able to always become better and improve ourselves. There is so much work for us to do, and so little time, but I know that with the lords help nothing is impossible. He Himself said "I give unto men weakness that they might be humble, and come unto me. but if they come unto me I will make weak things become strong in them". "ye, come unto Christ and be perfected in him."
I love you all so much!! I hope you are able to listen to all of general conference, and hear the words they speaks as if they are the words of the lord himself speaking.
Thank you so much for all you do for me. y'all are so amazing!!!
Elder Jorgensen