Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lost Frog

       So I absolutely loved that package that I got on Saturday!! I wasn't really expecting to get it, and it was so amazing. The tie was a great color, and a good look for Easter. I wore it to church yesterday. The Trail Mix and everything was great too. I found that if I'm craving something just before we head out to work in the morning, I can just grab a handful of that or an apple or something and it will hold me over. Our diet is still going pretty good! :) Easter was kind of hard on it, cause we got a bunch of candy, but other than that we have gotten rid of almost everything else in the apartment that isn't healthy, so now its kind of like we eat the chicken or tuna and rice or something because its all we have ;) which is a good thing because I think I have started to get a little slimmer. It will take some time, but its good. I feel better too because I'm not putting things in my body that are bad for it.  The pollen really is thick enough that you can see it on whatever is left outside.
      One night we were driving back home through our apartment complex and Elder Schiffman saw something move of the asphalt. He stopped the car, and just jumps out of the car, then runs back about 25 yards and practically falls to his knees on the ground. Here I am in the car watching him, still having no idea what is going on!! He scoops something up and comes bringing it back. Come to find out, it was just a little green sticky frog. So, he tells me to hold it as we drive the rest of the way home, but as I go to take it from his hands it jumps out of his hands into the back seat of our car!! So... we drive back to the apartment with a frog lost in the car. Luckily they had lots of frogs in South Carolina where Elder Schiffman first served, so he knew that they are attracted to light if they see it. Otherwise it would have taken us forever to find him because, at one time he was stuck to the ceiling. Who would think to look at the Ceiling for a lost frog?? 
      I absolutely LOVED the Because of Him video. Towards the end of the week, we were finally able to download it onto our I-pads so we could show it to people when we met them on the street, or at their door, or something like that. it was a great tool, and everyone really loved it. I know it went kind of viral on you-tube and Facebook. The crazy thing is, is that missionary's were the driving force behind getting it out to the world. The First Presidency asked all of the missions with digital devices to push the video and get it out, and I think it went pretty well considering it came out only last Sunday. Such an amazing video!
Our Gym in the church building we meet at was getting new floors, and they just finished them this week. they look so good. Because of that though, they pushed our ward back to meeting at 2:00. we didn't get out of church till 5 for the past 3 weeks, so I completely know how you feel about getting out at 4:00. Normally our ward starts at 1:00 too.
      And President Craven Said congratulations to Andy on getting his mission call!
      I saw the pictures of the car, and they looked really good! I really like the new top that they put on it. My companion is a big mechanic, and so he like the pictures of the engine and everything. Have you ever heard of a Pro-snowmobiler named Bret Rassmussen? I guess he is really good. Elder Schiffman worked for him as a mechanic on his sleds before he left, so he has met Dave McClure before. Small world. 
      The weather here was so beautiful this week!! it was really nice till Friday evening when it started to rain, and from Friday evening till Sunday Morning it rained non-stop. But Sunday morning it was so beautiful, and it stayed sunny and 75 all day. We thought about how similar that was to when the savior completed his mission here on earth. From Friday afternoon to Sunday the weather was so dark and cold, but Sunday morning it was bright and sunny, and the storm had passed. Sunday Will Come!!!
      The work is continually progressing. One man that we have been working with took a few steps back this past week though. We found that he has some miss-understandings about doctrines, in the bible and otherwise. for example, he believes that he has been resurrected... yeah, not really sure what to do there. And he believes that the Book of Mormon in the Word of God, but he doesn't believe that there are prophets on the earth anymore just like most of the southern Baptist.. but he comes to church every week, and even pays tithing every week. So, we are kinda unsure what to do with him right now...
      We have another girl that we are working with that is so great! she understands the gospel so well. the only thing holding her back right now is that she doesn't want to give up her old church. But we will hopefully be able to be instruments in the lords hands and help her make that decision soon.
      We met a Less-Active man this week who hasn't been to church since he was about 12 or so, and is in his 40s now. We had a great lesson with him though, and he is completely ready and willing to give the church another shot. He said he would even start to read the book of Mormon again and he read a Restoration pamphlet that we left with him. We are excited to see where that goes! :)
As always, I love y'all so much, and I cant wait to talk to you on Mothers day. I am so Happy that y'all are active in the gospel and growing every day! I am so proud of you all and grateful for the blessing that you are to me in my life! y'all are the greatest, and don't ever forget it!! Cant wait to see you again and here from you!! Keep doing your best, and fellowship with the saints. Do your best to bring others into the Fold.
Elder Jorgensen

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