Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Love Missionary work though Service

                     Written December 30, 2013

Hey mom dad and family!! 

It was so good to see y'all on Christmas too!!
 I feel like I really have grown so much in my
 understanding of the savior and his doctrine.
I hope at home y'all have been able to grow your
 own testimonies and become more converted to
 the gospel of Jesus Christ. We didn't have any
 investigators at church this past week :/
so we went to the gospel doctrine class.
 I had never been to the gospel doctrine class,
 but it was really good. We talked about the first
 chapter of Moses and what happened to Moses.
Moses went up on top of the mountain and there
was able to see god (Jesus Christ). God showed
 him every part of the world and there was not a
single thing that Moses was not able to see by the
power of discernment from Christ. Moses is even
reminded of who is when he is called "Son of God".
This also reminds Moses that by being the son of god,
 he is then able to progress to be like god. But after
Moses's "vision" was over he was very weak from all
the spirt leaving him. He realizes just how weak man truly is.
 In this time of weakness for Moses, Satan strikes his hardest.
 Even after Moses has just witnessed the power and divinity of god,
 Satan has the audacity to come to him and tempt him telling Moses "Son of Man, worship me!" Satan commands Moses to worship him. Four times Moses has to tell Satan to depart hence from his presence and leave him alone. I think this story can really be used to draw parallels between ourselves and Moses. Even after we have received great spiritual witness, Satan still tries to get at us. Indeed, it could be that the times Satan works his hardest on us would be at these moments when we feel that we are spiritually the strongest. 

I love being able to liken the Scriptures to myself and see all of the parallels that God has given us. There is great power that come to us as we study the scriptures and compare them to ourselves. 
This past week we were also able to do some more service. I love being able to do service. Sometimes I think I would rather just do and do service all day than actually teach haha. I think I like to do missionary work like Alma of old did. When we serve the people first, their hearts are softened toward us and then we are able to help them progress in the gospel and teach them.
One of the sisters in the ward is remodeling her house and her brother is helping her do it. He wasn't quite sure how to do some things so we decided to help. The bathroom was wired wrong, so we had to re-wire the switches so that the light and fan would turn on. Then we laid some pergo flooring in the front room that her brother had framed in. When we got closer to the door we realized that the door was not high enough and would not open with the flooring down. So, we had them go and get a smaller door, that way we wouldn't have to re-frame the whole for the door and we could just put some OSB under the door to get it up over the floor. (This is an exterior door) come to find out the whole he framed for the door is not even close to square so we will still have to cut into the sheet rock and kinda re-frame the opening right? What would you suggest we do? Oh, and I have a little grinder now. Should I just keep it with me out here in case we need it, or should I send it home? 

Think y'all for all of the Christmas and birthday package's! We had pancakes and some of your homemade syrup for breakfast and it was super good!! Thank you so much! Sadie sent me a package as well. Pretty much an entire birthday party in a box. She even put cake in cans for my companion and I. I was super surprised by all of that! I was also really surprised when I got a Christmas package from Josey and her family! It was a stocking filled with some stuff and some pictures. Sadie's had the twelve days of Christmas packages like y'all's and on Christmas it was a handmade box that played music. It was pretty sweet! Thank y'all so much for the ties and everything! It was so great. The speakers work great too. Thank you! I like the idea of replacing the bulbs with LEDs. That will be so great! Could dad put LEDs in the garage too so that he will be able to work out there without it costing as much? 

So, I figured I would answer some of the questions that you wanted to ask me. Flying? I'm not the biggest fan of it. Take off was pretty cool, but right after take off I felt kinda sick :/ I think I get plane sick. But it was fun to be able to talk to people. Pic sat kinda by a Sister Kronmiller. We talked for a bit and I found out she was from south Ogden. She actually knew exactly where the chevron by grandmas house was and she said she lived just up that hill, so she can't live more then a few miles from grandmas house! Crazy huh!! The mission home is pretty nice. It is just bascily like a good size house in the city. Nothing fancy. The MTC food was great! I would honestly go back to the MTC in a heartbeat. Everything was great about it. Not many missionaries liked the MTC, but I loved it. I think some of that is because I was on the west campus maybe? In some ways seeing y'all made me a little homesick, but in others it made me less homesick, which is good. Lately I had been struggling to stay focused on the work, but after talking to and seeing y'all I was more ready and inspired or get to work! It was good. 

That is so good that Brenna is going on a mission. Wish her luck for me. She will do Great. It will be hard, but so worth it. That is nice that you were able to see Leah as well and that she talked to y'all. Whom The Lord calls he qualifies. Wish Cris good luck for me! He will do great. All he has to do is do his best. I miss Paxten and Keasa, but I know that they are fine :) I hope they are having fun!! I will send my Christmas gifts for y'all in the mail today as well :) oh, and I would love more random ties and sweaters :) 

Love y'all so much and merry Christmas!!! 
Happy new year!!

Elder Jorgensen

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