Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Devotional

 Written on December 23, 2013
I'm glad that your week was really
 busy and full! I feel like when our
weeks are really full and busy the
 week just goes so much faster and
it is easier. It was a good week 
here for us, but it was a kinda long
week for me. We had transfers on 
Tuesday and I am now companions with
Elder Snow. He is from New Mexico. 
Overall he is a pretty good elder.
It was kinda a stressful week 
taking over the area and we haven't had
a lot of investigators lately, 
so we have been door to door contacting
a lot. Door to door contacting 
is probably the least effective way to
do missionary work, and it is hard.
 That is why members are so
important, and it is so important
 for the members to give us referrals
of people that we can teach. 
But this week we didn't have much on our
plans, so we were left with 
knocking on doors.One man that we did find 
knocking on doors about 3 weeks ago is
progressing towards baptism though! We 
are so excited for him. He has
already stopped drinking alcohol, 
and now we just have to help him
stop smoking and drinking tea. 
It is amazing to see how much he has
progressed in just the past few weeks.
It seems like everyone is sick here!! Haha so we are hoping that even
with giving all of these blessings that we don't get sick. And lots of
people have been dying in the ward lately :/ this week we will have
the third memorial service for a member of the ward. That is crazy!
Grandmas Christmas party sounds like it must have been so fun!!! I
love Italian food! Haha speaking of food, my companion and I decided
that we were going to start a diet today so that we could lose some
weight. We are also going to ride our bikes more and go running every
morning. Hopefully we actually do it haha. Then maybe I can come home
under 220 pounds :)
I'm glad that Keasa liked her present. I'm sorry it took so long to
get there. My companion and I are going to go shopping today, so I
will hopefully send another package today which would be the Christmas
package. Sorry it might not get there before Christmas :/ thank you so
much for my Christmas package! It has been something that I really
look forward to every morning to be able to open a little present from
you and one from Sadie. Thank you so much for everything!!
Sometimes it is nice to get mail.I can't wait for Christmas to get hear.
Last night we had our Christmas devotional with president craven and
our zone. They provided a great little dinner for us, and then we went
to the relief society room and played a game of jeopardy. The
category's were Book of Mormon, preach my gospel, the Cravens, NCCM,
and a misc. column. It was so much fun and all of us laughed almost
the entire time! Our group had to sing the mission theme song and it
was so embarrassing!!! Haha
But after the game we went to the chapel and had a testimony meeting.
It was so amazing, and such a spiritual experience. I know that The
Book of Mormon is the word of god. The most important thing that we
can gain a testimony of is the Book of Mormon. It is the keystone of
our religion, and without it, This church, Christ church, would fail.
President Craven talked a lot about Mosiah 3:4-11. His insight was
amazing on these few verses that talk about the Christ child's humble
birth.Jesus Christ, creator of this world and the very Begotten son of 
God, came to this earth in the humble circumstances. Wrapped in
swaddling clothes. Think about that. The very God who helped to create
the very world he would atone for, was wrapped in cloth. Totally and
completely dependent on others for his every care and need.
I'm glad you were able to talk to Leah and that she is doing well!! I
would love to hear from her and hear how she is doing!! :) 
Got the box and a few letters from the ward last night at the
devotional. It was so nice of them, and there are so many great things
in there! Thank you so much! I will make sure to write them a thank
you card :)
I'm not sure when we will be on skype, but it will most likely be
around 5 or 6 our time. We will be skypeing from the clays. They said
thank you so much for the Christmas present! They loved it! And Pres.and
 Sister Craven also said thank you so much for their gift.
They said that was the first time they have received a Christmas gift from
a missionary's family. Haha so way to go!
 Well, I will see you soon :)
Elder Jorgensen.

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