Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Such a Great Week!

               Written December 16, 2013
Dear family,
I can't even begin to tell you how
 great my week was here! Haha the
only thing that I think could have
 made it better would be if we had
the car. (But, I found out on Saturday
night that we will be getting a
new car at transfers, so that 
will be so nice! I am so excited to be
full car, and not go an entire week
 without one.) And yes, Elder
Letalu-Lokeni is getting transferred,
 and he will be a Zone Leader
now. I guess that is what happens 
when your district isn't doing very
well before you become district leader,
 and then they start to really take
off after you do ;) We have had 5
 baptisms in our district in the past
3 months. And 3 of those have 
been ours!! :)
So this Saturday was an amazing
 experience! Anthony and Ferin were
baptized. I had the honor or baptizing 
Anthony on Saturday and
confirming Ferin a member of the church 
and conferring upon her the gift
of the Holy Ghost. It was an amazing opportunity.
 Natalie and Alex have yet to be baptized,
 but we hope that they soon will be. 
 Since Elder Letalu-Loken is leaving,
 It means that I will have to take over
this area. I'm now responsible for knowing all
 that I can about the investigators both past
 and present, as well as the members, and
knowing the city an my way around it. Kinda scary!! Haha
 but I guess whom The Lord calls he qualifies.
 I just have to try my hardest, be obedient, and do my best,
 and The Lord will make up the rest.
I'm so glad that dad and uncle Mike were able to get the well fixed so
that y'all will have water again! It sounds like if it took them till 7
it was a pretty big and crazy job though! Was it?
The adjusting to missionary life is a great little booklet that they
gave everyone in our mission shortly after I came out. I will have to
see if I can get you one or something. Haha.
I'm sure that you did great on teaching the gospel principles class!
My companion and I taught the member/ward missionary class this week
as well. I think my favorite scripture to use when I teach about
tithes and fast offerings is 3 Nephi 24:11. It is a great scripture!!
Thank you so much for the package that I got this week!!!! I love the
tree and the boots, and everything!! Now I have two trees! Sadie sent
me a tree with her package that came about the same time all y'all's
did. She did a 12 days of Christmas thing too, and she put a lot of
work into it. Seeing how much work y'all have put into this for me is
so humbling. Thank y'all so much. I love my family!!! I have the
greatest family on the world! It is so tempting to open this huge pile
of gifts under our tree, but I force myself to wait... Elder L is like
the devils advocate though. He's like "just do it. you know you want
to. They'll never know. I opened mine, you can open yours. Come on, I
want to see what's in all of those packages before I have to leave."
Haha he is so funny! 
It does look kinda like that here in a nice storm, but if is different
too. Instead of it looking like a frosty glass on everything, here it
is like a think completely clear glass coating. Everything is clear
all the way through, but it sparkles in the sunlight too. It's pretty
So, for the big news this week we got our new I-pads!!! They are so
sweet, and we love them already! Our entire area book and planner is
all on here. We have the gospel library to, so we have all of that as
well. We can download videos to show to our investigators, and even
people that we just meet on the street. We can also pull up a map of
our ward and see where all of the members and investigators live in
relation to one another which really helps with planning. They are so
sweet!! I'll send you a screen shot so you can see what they look like
:) This helps the work move forward so much. The Lord is truly
hastening his work in every part of the church. The members of the
church and technology is the two biggest tools that he is using to do
that. Social media has become a huge tool for sharing the gospel with
others. Don't be afraid to talk to everyone that you know is not a
member of the church, or that you think might be struggling with their
testimonies. All it takes is an invitation and as ward missionary's
that is your job. It states In preach my gospel, that "People are not
likely to change unless they are invited to do so" all it takes is an
invitation. The worst that could happen is they say "No thank you".
Good luck with all of your missionary efforts at home. I love y'all so
much and miss you! Hopefully we will just work hard over this holiday
season and have lots of good things happen. We are continually finding
the elect and inviting them to come to Christ. Being a missionary and
being able to share what I know to be true is an amazing experience in
itself, but an even more amazing experience is to share this amazing
message with someone and have them change their lives because of it.
Sometimes even in very unexpected ways! Like, this Sunday Anthony came
to church and he had shaved off his beard and was in a suit! We had
never even mentioned anything like that to him, but the spirit
whispered to his heart what he needed to do and he did it!! It is so
amazing to see. There is a noticeable difference in Anthony and Ferin
from Friday to today. It is a startling and amazing change, and it is
all brought about by the spirit. It has nothing to even do with us.
The most amazing changes are the little changes that the spirit
whispers to their heart they need to make.  Anyways, it is time for me
to go, but I love you and will see y'all soon! Thank you so much for
all that you have done for me and continue to do for me! I love you!!
Oh, I was thinking just for fun y'all could write a list of what
everyone wants for Christmas so I could see it :) haha did I mention I love y'all.
 And hey I LOVE MY BOOTS!!!!!!! Haha I
can only where them on P-day and at night when we are in our
apartment, but still.. Haha and tell Sadie thanks for me. I'm pretty
sure she thought I hated her or something for a while cause it took me
like 4 weeks to write her back with everything that we had going on
haha. Well...again, I love you!!!
Elder Jorgensen

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