Monday, February 10, 2014

Huntersville North Carolina

 Written February 10, 2014
Hey familia!!
So I am now serving in 
Huntersville North Carolina. 
It is a great
place, and I have already gotten 
to know quite a few people. It is
much different than Danville was. 
Most of the people here have a much
higher income bracket, which is good 
and bad at the same time. It is
harder to teach a lot of lessons, 
and to have a lot of Investigators
at one time. But, when you do have 
a solid Investigator that person is
more real growth.  We are able to 
have more real growth. We live 
in an apartment complex now, instead 
of a house as well. The area that we
are working with is much smaller 
as well. But the Huntersville ward is
great. So as for the picture, we went 
to sacrament meeting, and it was
ward conference. Brother blue is the 
stake choir director, so he was
at our ward conference. I thought 
I recognized him from somewhere, so
I just introduced myself to him. After 
sacrament meeting he came up to
me and asked for a picture with me 
that he could send to Brother Jose.
He was a great guy.
My new companions name is 
Elder Teichert. He is from Cokeville
Wyoming. He has been out on his mission 
for 13 months now, and he is
great. I have already learned so 
much from him. He comes from a family
of 13 and is number 10. He is also the 
district leader here.
We have been doing a lot of 
personal finding and knocking doors
here lately. So, most of the doors we 
knock on the people are nice,
but don't have time and are not interested. 
Some just say no thanks
and shut the door.
I really hope Cris is able to do 
good at his last match. I know he can
do it. He so good enough to take both of them.
I heard that the Olympics had started. That is pretty sweet that she
took fifth. I'm really excited to hear how everyone does. 
The water situation seems pretty crazy too. I can't believe that we
don't have more snow :/ hopefully at some point we will be able to get
more so that we can irrigate.
Huntersville is a city, but it is more of a suburb of Charlotte. I do
like it here, but it so really different. Most of the people in the
ward are young families just out of college or so. Around 25-32 I
would say is the average age of most of the people here. 
Something that you could all pray for is that we will be able help
our Investigators really start to progress.
Thank you for all of your love and support. I love you!!
Elder Jorgensen.
Oh, so I met a Sister Jorgensen that is in my zone. She is from Utah.
There is also an Elder in my zone who is from Tetonia I think, and he
knows Braden and Uncle Randy. I thought that was pretty cool!


Written February 3, 2014 
Dear family,
That is so crazy that you haven't 
gotten any more snow!! We ended up
getting some more snow here. 
It is all gone now, but we ended up with
about 2 inches of snow and it 
got pretty cold. It is all gone now, and
it is pretty warm :)
Andy sounds like he is doing 
really well with track. That is so
exciting. He is doing so well, 
and I know that as long as he works
hard and tries his best he 
will be successful.
So we did some very interesting
things this week. First of all, I was
able to go to a Pentecostal Holiness 
Church last night.That was crazy!
It was totally not what I expected, 
but to be honest I didn't really
know what to expect. We were 
welcomed and everyone was so nice! The
way they pray is really different 
than we do. They prayer whisper, so
people yell and talk while the 
person prays. They also play music
while they pray. It was said good 
experience to go and see what other
religions are like compared to ours. 
It really strengthened my own
We also got transfer calls on Friday 
night, and I found out that me,
sister Allred from Eden, and sister Blaney 
from here in Danville are
all getting transferred.
 So...I guess I just pack up an go to 
transfers on Tuesday so that I can 
find out where my new area is :)
I'm really sad to be leaving Danville. 
It is like a second home to me 
now, and I have met so many amazing 
people. I know the city as well or
better than I know Idaho falls. 
I would say Danville is about the same
size as IF.
We were able to finally have our 
marshmallow gun war as well. It was
really fun, and we did it in caswell 
country's area. I'll send you a
picture :) it was so fun.
 I know that Heavenly Father really builds us and shapes us into
the people that we need to be. He has a plan for us.
It is so great to be able to hear about what is going on back home,
and. How everyone is doing. I love you all so much!! Thank you
for all that y'all do for me. There is no way that I could be doing
this without y'all's help. I love you so much!!
Elder Jorgensen

Marshmallow gun war

Written January 27, 2014 
This week was a pretty good 
week here in Danville. We were able to
meet some new people that I had 
not met before, and we solidified some
baptism dates :) we should be 
having two people get baptized 
on the 8th of February, and hopefully 
one or two more on the 22nd February as
well. We are so excited off them! 
Two of our investigators Marvin, and
Connie are being baptized on the 8th. 
Connie actually asked me to baptize her.
What an amazing pleasure and honor it 
is to be able to help someone make 
these covenants with The Lord. Just 
like you said, the weeks and months 
are starting to go by a lot
faster. 4-5 weeks ago the weeks 
seemed to really drag on, but now they
are going by super fast. I have been
out over 4 months now, and at the
end of this next transfer it will be six, 
which means I will be 1/4 of
the way finished with my mission!! 
That is so great to hear 
that Cris is doing so well! 
I'm so glad he was able or 
go back up to the varsity level,
and still pin someone at that 
Level in the first round. 
He is getting much better!! :D 
I can't wait to hear how he 
does this next week, and especially how he
will do the next few years.
We did get some snow here. It was pretty crazy. 
The schools here were out for so long! They 
didn't have school on Monday for MLK day, and
then they got out Tuesday and Wednesday too! 
So it was like a five day break for them. The 
snow was no big deal though. It was literally
enough to cover the ground, and that was it. 
It is mostly gone now, but it has been super cold.
That is crazy that the stake is fasting for moisture this fast Sunday!
I will be praying for you, that we can get some moisture in the
mountains. Snow is a pretty important thing for us. We fasted this
past Sunday as a mission, and that was a great experience. We started
a 40 day fast as a mission, that will conclude on Easter Sunday. It
will be a great thing for me, and for our mission. I think it will
help us to really sanctify ourselves and make us better missionary's.
This Sunday we were able to have 5 of our investigators come to
church, and three of those have a baptism date. Our goal for this next
week Is to have 8 investigators at church, and have all 8 have baptism
dates! :) The Lord is hastening his work so much, and it is such a
blessing to be a part of it.
Sister Wood is in our zone. I get to see her and say hi when we have
zone meetings and activities, so that is pretty great. She is an amazing
Our marshmallow gun war is today. We are pretty excited for it. I'm
still not sure if it is going to work, but I am hopeful. 
That is so crazy that Josh Is almost done with his mission!! How long
does Sawyer have left in his mission? Transfers are on the 4th, and I
won't know if I leave until Saturday night. Danville feels sorta
like a second home to me now, so it will be sad to leave, but I know
if/when I am called to do so it will be the right thing.
All of our investigators are doing pretty well. We are so excited for
them. We are trying to find more investigators right now, so we are
super to excited exercise our faith to find others that are prepared
to hear the restored gospel. Thank you for all your love and prayers, 
and I will continue to pray for y'all's health
and safety! I love you!!! Have a great week, and before you know it,
we will be able to see each other again. Love you!!
Elder Jorgensen

But, if I were to sum up the plan of salvation in one word, I would use the word Atonement.

 Written January 21, 2014
Hello mom, dad, and family!
So, yesterday was Martin Luther King day, 
so we didn't have a p-day.
They wanted us to be out proselyting
 so, our p-day was moved to today.
It has been a crazy busy week, and 
this week should be even more busy.
But it is so good, and we are able to 
really see the work progress and
move forward. It is so exciting to see,
and when we are super busy it
makes the time just go faster it 
seems like.
Good job to Cris. That is so good that 
he is putting all he
has in to it, and I can tell he is
 trying his hardest. That is
amazing! It is amazing to me that Andy 
was able to go and compete in
the indoor track meet, and that he won!
 Good Job!!
I was so excited to hear about that recent
 convert in our ward! That
is so amazing! I know that The Lord gives 
us mountains to climb, and
rivers to cross in life, because those
 are things things that are
going to make us better and help
 us to increase our testimony. I know
that our Father in Heaven does
love him. He loves all of us, more than
we can imagine. I think his love is very 
comparable to the love that a Mother or Father
has for one of their children.
That is so crazy that you met
Kenna Lindstom. Yes, when we went on the
choir trip to California, she was in
the group that we hung out with
In Disney Land. We would run ahead and get a fast pass for another
ride while they waited and slowly walked to a different ride, so we
were able to cover a lot of ground In not very much time. It was
really fun! That is funny that Disney land has come up haha. I have
been thinking lately that when I come back, I think I am going to
apply for a job there, I think It would be a good job, and really fun
I heard that the temple was showing another new movie as well. I guess
they are going use both of them. Haha maybe this is there solution to being able to
keep people awake! Haha
It sounds like I'm not missing out too much on the snow then! They are
actually calling for a storm today and tonight sometime...
It is crazy to think that I have already been out for 4 months now. It
has gone so fast. It is crazy to think that I'm 1/8 of the way
finished with this part of my life. But, in the last 4 months I have
learned and grown more than I could have ever imagined. The plan of
salvation is an amazing thing. It literally is the plan, and the way
that we are to return to our Father in Heaven. But, if I were to sum
up the plan of salvation in one word, I would use the word Atonement.
It is only in and through the atonement of Jesus Christ that the plan
is possible. He not only fulfills the law of Moses with his sacrifice,
but he make it possible for us to all live again in the kingdom of
glory that we choose. We choose which kingdom that we enter by the
actions and deeds that we perform while here on this earth. In a talk
I recently read by a former mission president it stated that a vast
majority of the worlds inhabitants will be in the terrestrial kingdom.
That was such a powerful statement to me. I think I become a little
more converted to the work I was doing when I read that statement. I
knew that my calling was so important, and that I needed to talk with
everyone that I came into contact with. The Lord himself said in
Doctrine & Covenants chapter 61 verse 3 "But verily I say unto you,
that it is not needful for this whole company of mine elders to be
moving swiftly upon the waters, whilst the inhabitants on either side
are perishing in unbelief." I know that is true. The message that I am
bringing to the world will change lives. Forever.
One other thing that really hit me as I studied was about judgement
day. The judgement is not for us to plead our case to The Lord, or for
it to be decided which kingdom of glory that we have earned while
here. That has already been decide. We have already been resurrected
as celestial, telestial, or terrestrial beings. Judgment is to say that
YOU have payed the the price for the sins that you did not let the
Savior pay the price for. When we access the atonement, the savior
takes the punishment for those sins, and we do not pay the price that
must be paid. But, if we do not access the atonement, and wait till
the spirit world to repent, we ourselves must pay that price. Judgment
will be us acknowledging that the Saviors and Gods judgment and
placement of our spirits was just. So, look at how far we have all
come. Of all the people in the world, we have made the necessary
covenants to return, and we know the plan. We know how to access the
atonement and make ourselves into the Christlike person that we need
to be. Can you see how incredibly stupid it would be for us to not use
the atonement, or to turn our back now...
Anyways haha the work here is Amazing. We have been so busy. This week
we have been riding our bikes almost everywhere, since we are out of
miles :/ so, we rode about 60 miles last week, and will ride even more
than that this week. Haha we are calling it the "we're out of miles
work out plan". It is good though, cause I'm eating better now, and
working my body harder, so hopefully I start to loose some more weight
:) we were so blessed of have 4 of our investigators at church this
past Sunday, and the sisters had 5 of theirs! We had overall 214
people at church!! Woohoo!! This week our goal is to have 8 of our
investigators at church, so wish us luck haha. We should be really
busy this week. That is a lofty goal to reach, but I think we can do
it. But The zone average is only 1 at church.
Thank you so much for all that you do for me! I love to hear about all
that is going on back home, and I will try to keep you updated with
what is happening here the best I can. We have started doing a little
more service, which is great! I love doing service.
Oh, so we decided we wanted to have a really fun district activity and
do something that we didn't think anyone had ever done before. So, we
came up with the idea to have a marshmallow gun war! 
 It should be so fun! But, you know how I like
to think out of the box, and do things that haven't been done.....I
decided to do that with this too. Haha so the big gun in the pictures
is my gun. It has an air tank on it, and I put a door bell button in
the handle as a trigger! It is Super fun to play with :)
Anyways, I hope you all have a great week!! Good luck to Andy and Cris
as they train and compete. I'm praying for them, and I'm praying for
y'all too! Everyday! I couldn't have been blessed with a better
family. Y'all are the best!!
  Also, since we are staring to be able
to do more service, and I am beginning to be able to use the skills
that dad taught me, I'm noticing that I'm lacking something.. Tools!!
Haha so, maybe next few time you would like to send something you
could throw in a couple tools that we just have laying around the
house or someone. I don't care what they look like or anything. Even
if they are really old and beat up. I could use some screwdrivers, a
tape measure, pliers, maybe a multi-tool, crescent wrench, maybe
vise-grips, a hammer. I also bought some electrical pliers before I
left. Idk where they are, but those would be great.  Thank you so much!! You
have no idea how much I love y'all and appreciate what you do for me.
I could never do this without your love and support!