Monday, February 10, 2014

Huntersville North Carolina

 Written February 10, 2014
Hey familia!!
So I am now serving in 
Huntersville North Carolina. 
It is a great
place, and I have already gotten 
to know quite a few people. It is
much different than Danville was. 
Most of the people here have a much
higher income bracket, which is good 
and bad at the same time. It is
harder to teach a lot of lessons, 
and to have a lot of Investigators
at one time. But, when you do have 
a solid Investigator that person is
more real growth.  We are able to 
have more real growth. We live 
in an apartment complex now, instead 
of a house as well. The area that we
are working with is much smaller 
as well. But the Huntersville ward is
great. So as for the picture, we went 
to sacrament meeting, and it was
ward conference. Brother blue is the 
stake choir director, so he was
at our ward conference. I thought 
I recognized him from somewhere, so
I just introduced myself to him. After 
sacrament meeting he came up to
me and asked for a picture with me 
that he could send to Brother Jose.
He was a great guy.
My new companions name is 
Elder Teichert. He is from Cokeville
Wyoming. He has been out on his mission 
for 13 months now, and he is
great. I have already learned so 
much from him. He comes from a family
of 13 and is number 10. He is also the 
district leader here.
We have been doing a lot of 
personal finding and knocking doors
here lately. So, most of the doors we 
knock on the people are nice,
but don't have time and are not interested. 
Some just say no thanks
and shut the door.
I really hope Cris is able to do 
good at his last match. I know he can
do it. He so good enough to take both of them.
I heard that the Olympics had started. That is pretty sweet that she
took fifth. I'm really excited to hear how everyone does. 
The water situation seems pretty crazy too. I can't believe that we
don't have more snow :/ hopefully at some point we will be able to get
more so that we can irrigate.
Huntersville is a city, but it is more of a suburb of Charlotte. I do
like it here, but it so really different. Most of the people in the
ward are young families just out of college or so. Around 25-32 I
would say is the average age of most of the people here. 
Something that you could all pray for is that we will be able help
our Investigators really start to progress.
Thank you for all of your love and support. I love you!!
Elder Jorgensen.
Oh, so I met a Sister Jorgensen that is in my zone. She is from Utah.
There is also an Elder in my zone who is from Tetonia I think, and he
knows Braden and Uncle Randy. I thought that was pretty cool!

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