Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Miracle

Hello from Good ole North Carolina!!
     So, I meant to tell you about this a few weeks ago, but forgot.. In the Saturday Afternoon session of General Conference the last two speakers were Elder Zwick and Elder Cook. It was funny because not too long ago both of them came to our mission and spoke to us as a mission. I absolutely loved both of there talks.
This week was an interesting week. We took a little bit different approach to missionary work than we have in the past here, and I think It was really good. As I had mentioned before, most people in this area are pretty well off, already have a church if they have any desire of attending one, and they are all really busy people as well. So, just knocking on peoples doors doesn't work so well here. You will just tend to get turned away. But, this week we tried something else. We figured if we served the people first, it would be much more lickly for us to get to know them, they then trust us, and ultimately we teach them. That is exactly what happed with a mom this week. We went to a our dinner appointment on Thursday after going to the Horse Rescue to do some service. Dinner was not quite ready when we arrived, and we were still in our service clothes so Sister M asked us if we wanted to go mow her neighbors lawn?  Her neighbor is single, has a son, and some health problems. So we went over with Her husband, mowed and trimmed her lawn, and then replaced a light fixture on the exterior of her house that was bad. She was very appreciative, and after I gave her an Articles of Faith card so that she would know what we believed and hopefully it would open up a conversation latter. A few days later we were at the horse rescue again, and Sister M told us that her neighbor would like us to come back ASAP and help her put her garden in and talk to her. So, we went back that day and helped her plant a little garden area. As we did so, she asked about some of the points on the Articles of Faith card. We were able to explain them to her, and teach her about the restoration of the gospel. She also committed to read the Book of Mormon!! :) We are so excited for her! that was probably the best lesson that we taught this week, because she was actually interested and we were able to teach people not lessons. I would say the worst one that we had would have been when we were just talking to a guy on the way back to our apartment. the way we taught his was somewhat confusing I think, so we just needed to simplify and intensify so that the spirit could do its job and bear testimony. But we are working on it :)
Last Monday the most amazing thing happened. Both Elder Schiffman and I were pretty much broke. I think we both had like $8 to our names, so we were just going to buy some bread and yogurt, and survive off of whatever we had in the apartment. But, as we were walking into target, a man was walking up the next isle over of the parking lot, so we said hi and everything. As he got closer to us he told Elder Schiffman to hold out his hand. Then he proceeded to drop $100 in his and asked if that was enough. we had never met the man before, but he said he lived in another ward and helped out missionary's whenever he could. Total Miracle for us. We were able to get healthy food since we are trying to loose weight, and we were able to buy a blender so that we could make smoothies in the morning. Wow!!!
I am so happy to hear that Jacob and Joe are both going on missions. That will completely change both of their lives forever. It is amazing to see how the Atonement in action in peoples lives. I am so Excited to hear that Leah is coming out into the field as well. That is so amazing. She will be great. We have emailed just a little bit, and she had mentioned that she was possibly going to put her mission papers in unless something else happened first. she hasn't emailed me back in a couple months, but Hopefully we will be able to keep in touch. 
Thank you for all your prayers as we strive to Find, Teach, and Baptize! I think of the song "Bless My Son" when I think of you at home, and I know that that is exactly the kind of loving mother that I have at home. I could not have asked for a better family in the entire world. Y'all are the Best!!! Can't wait to hear your voice in just a few weeks! Love You!!!
Elder Jorgensen

Lost Frog

       So I absolutely loved that package that I got on Saturday!! I wasn't really expecting to get it, and it was so amazing. The tie was a great color, and a good look for Easter. I wore it to church yesterday. The Trail Mix and everything was great too. I found that if I'm craving something just before we head out to work in the morning, I can just grab a handful of that or an apple or something and it will hold me over. Our diet is still going pretty good! :) Easter was kind of hard on it, cause we got a bunch of candy, but other than that we have gotten rid of almost everything else in the apartment that isn't healthy, so now its kind of like we eat the chicken or tuna and rice or something because its all we have ;) which is a good thing because I think I have started to get a little slimmer. It will take some time, but its good. I feel better too because I'm not putting things in my body that are bad for it.  The pollen really is thick enough that you can see it on whatever is left outside.
      One night we were driving back home through our apartment complex and Elder Schiffman saw something move of the asphalt. He stopped the car, and just jumps out of the car, then runs back about 25 yards and practically falls to his knees on the ground. Here I am in the car watching him, still having no idea what is going on!! He scoops something up and comes bringing it back. Come to find out, it was just a little green sticky frog. So, he tells me to hold it as we drive the rest of the way home, but as I go to take it from his hands it jumps out of his hands into the back seat of our car!! So... we drive back to the apartment with a frog lost in the car. Luckily they had lots of frogs in South Carolina where Elder Schiffman first served, so he knew that they are attracted to light if they see it. Otherwise it would have taken us forever to find him because, at one time he was stuck to the ceiling. Who would think to look at the Ceiling for a lost frog?? 
      I absolutely LOVED the Because of Him video. Towards the end of the week, we were finally able to download it onto our I-pads so we could show it to people when we met them on the street, or at their door, or something like that. it was a great tool, and everyone really loved it. I know it went kind of viral on you-tube and Facebook. The crazy thing is, is that missionary's were the driving force behind getting it out to the world. The First Presidency asked all of the missions with digital devices to push the video and get it out, and I think it went pretty well considering it came out only last Sunday. Such an amazing video!
Our Gym in the church building we meet at was getting new floors, and they just finished them this week. they look so good. Because of that though, they pushed our ward back to meeting at 2:00. we didn't get out of church till 5 for the past 3 weeks, so I completely know how you feel about getting out at 4:00. Normally our ward starts at 1:00 too.
      And President Craven Said congratulations to Andy on getting his mission call!
      I saw the pictures of the car, and they looked really good! I really like the new top that they put on it. My companion is a big mechanic, and so he like the pictures of the engine and everything. Have you ever heard of a Pro-snowmobiler named Bret Rassmussen? I guess he is really good. Elder Schiffman worked for him as a mechanic on his sleds before he left, so he has met Dave McClure before. Small world. 
      The weather here was so beautiful this week!! it was really nice till Friday evening when it started to rain, and from Friday evening till Sunday Morning it rained non-stop. But Sunday morning it was so beautiful, and it stayed sunny and 75 all day. We thought about how similar that was to when the savior completed his mission here on earth. From Friday afternoon to Sunday the weather was so dark and cold, but Sunday morning it was bright and sunny, and the storm had passed. Sunday Will Come!!!
      The work is continually progressing. One man that we have been working with took a few steps back this past week though. We found that he has some miss-understandings about doctrines, in the bible and otherwise. for example, he believes that he has been resurrected... yeah, not really sure what to do there. And he believes that the Book of Mormon in the Word of God, but he doesn't believe that there are prophets on the earth anymore just like most of the southern Baptist.. but he comes to church every week, and even pays tithing every week. So, we are kinda unsure what to do with him right now...
      We have another girl that we are working with that is so great! she understands the gospel so well. the only thing holding her back right now is that she doesn't want to give up her old church. But we will hopefully be able to be instruments in the lords hands and help her make that decision soon.
      We met a Less-Active man this week who hasn't been to church since he was about 12 or so, and is in his 40s now. We had a great lesson with him though, and he is completely ready and willing to give the church another shot. He said he would even start to read the book of Mormon again and he read a Restoration pamphlet that we left with him. We are excited to see where that goes! :)
As always, I love y'all so much, and I cant wait to talk to you on Mothers day. I am so Happy that y'all are active in the gospel and growing every day! I am so proud of you all and grateful for the blessing that you are to me in my life! y'all are the greatest, and don't ever forget it!! Cant wait to see you again and here from you!! Keep doing your best, and fellowship with the saints. Do your best to bring others into the Fold.
Elder Jorgensen

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Love going to meetings!

Written March 31, 2014

Hey Family!!!
So, it is so good to hear from y'all again! I still don't have my I-pad working for email yet, but hopefully soon I will.   Like two weeks ago I dropped my ipad, and the screen on it cracked, so I took it into the mission office at transfers and was able to get on of the departing missionary's iPads. 
I thought I would tell you a little about the temporal things that I have been up to and things I have found first, and then I could tell you about the spiritual nature of the work. A few weeks ago we went to Starbucks so that we could use the wifi there and I wanted something to drink. I think Aunt Kara had told me about something she called a steamer, so I asked if I could have one. They asked me what flavor we would like, and I didn't know, so I said raspberry and hazelnut sound really good. Can I do that? That drink was one of the most amazing things I have ever tasted!! We went back and got more a few different times, but they were somewhat expensive on a missionary budget, so I thought "why don't we just make our own?" so we did. We went to Wal-Mart and got the Italian Ice syrup stuff in raspberry and hazelnut. Then we just heat up the milk in the microwave like you would hot chocolate and pour in some syrup. They aren't quite as good as Starbucks, but they get the job done :) lately we have had one like every morning with our study's. haha.
I crashed my bike for the first time this past week too! It wasn't anything bad, but I'm totally counting it as my fist wreck. (if I can't wreck a car anymore, might as well crash my bike) it had rained the night before and was somewhat cold outside still when we went out. As I went to turn the corner my bike kept going straight and then decided to slide out sideways from under me haha no big deal, but thought it was kind of funny. made me sad it ripped up my pants a little when I hit the asphalt.
My companion and I also started working out this past week so that we could look good for the summer ;) the first day, and every other day we do a workout called the "Spartacus" workout. its a 30 min high intensity high rep workout. the first day we did it I felt like I was going to pass out though! You know how when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and I just about passed out?! That's like exactly how I felt when I was almost done with this workout. and then on the off days that we don't do that workout we just run around the complex we live in 5 times (which is about 25 minutes). We are trying to do a low-carb diet as well. haha I'm determined to loose some weight!!!
That is so crazy that Andy has submitted his papers and that Tate already has his call. leave I think the reason that so many of these missionary's who are getting their calls now are going foreign is because I think all of the missions in the US are at full capacity. I know in our mission, every ward but one or two has two sets of missionary's, and some even have three sets. So at this point I don't think we can handle many more missionary's in the states and they need them oversees, but that is just my thoughts. We are at the point now that we have to start doing more with more and using the resources we have been given to their fullest potential.
We are so excited for general conference!! I love the ability that modern technology affords us to be able to hear the words of a living Prophet of God that walks the earth today! What an amazing experience and privilege. We started teaching this wonderful girl. She is 19 and is so great. Hopefully she will be baptized in the coming weeks. she has a date for the 12th, but we will see what happens. She has great and amazing faith though! She loved the idea of a modern prophet living and walking the earth today, and the fact that we could all listen to his council. and that we have evidence of all of this being true. She is so great though! She missed church this week, and we aren't quite sure why.  She loved church, and loved the members. She is growing a great relationship with some of the members. But, she read in the pamphlet we gave her that we should always look our best for the Lord and where the best we have. She only has one dress though, and said she needed to go shopping for more dresses to wear. So, we think maybe she didn't come because she had nothing to wear, but we aren't sure. But an awesome sister in the ward that is fellowshipping her is so great and offered her to borrow anything in her wardrobe to wear so she can feel comfortable. So great!!
We will have our Zone Meeting this week which is really exciting. I love going to meetings, because it is an opportunity to feel of the spirit and get re-motived to do the work. That is why our leaders are so great! I feel like the leadership in this mission top notch and the best of the best. The missionary's here are the best you could find anywhere. it is great to be able to go to these meetings and feel of their light/love and their motivation for the work. I continually strive to learn from their council and apply it into my teaching and make it a part of me. Some missionary's have a "missionary" personality, and a "themselves" personality. I have learned that the missionary's who don't just become another person, but actually change themselves for the better are those missionary's who are successful, and ultimately those people who are successful. The most important thing we can do is to just be ourselves. then we recognize the weaknesses that we ourselves have, and we fix those things and become better. that way when we get home, we don't leave the missionary self in the mission and come back nearly the same person we left as, but we are that same person all the time, so we are able to always become better and improve ourselves. There is so much work for us to do, and so little time, but I know that with the lords help nothing is impossible. He Himself said "I give unto men weakness that they might be humble, and come unto me. but if they come unto me I will make weak things become strong in them". "ye, come unto Christ and be perfected in him."

I love you all so much!! I hope you are able to listen to all of general conference, and hear the words they speaks as if they are the words of the lord himself speaking.
 Thank you so much for all you do for me. y'all are so amazing!!!
Elder Jorgensen


Written March 18, 2014

I can't wait to get that package!! Haha that is so exciting!!
I can't believe that it had already been 6 months. Tomorrow is
transfers, which means that I have already been here in Huntersville
for 6 weeks. How crazy is that!! And tomorrow is the 18th, so pretty
neat that my actual 6 month mark and transfer 6 month mark line up
with one another! So I'm already 1/4 of the way finished with my
mission. So transfers are tomorrow. Elder Teichert is being transferred
to be a zone leader somewhere else, and I will be taking over the area
That is so exciting that Andy has his papers in to President Foster.
He could have his call before this next transfer is over. He will be a
great missionary.  So, we had stake conference this week, and all
of the states in the south had it the same week. We had a broadcast
from salt lake in which some people spoke to us, and we had L. Tom
Perry speak to us as well. It was a really good conference all about
hastening the work. 
I loved going to those little EFY things. Was there a concert that
night afterwards as well? I absolutely loved being able to be around
all of those youth.  It would be amazing to be able to do the big EFY
Concerts and stuff like that. I think I just love the youth of the
church and high school aged people, and so to be able to work with
them would be so much fun. It seems like it was just yesterday I was
in high school, and I kinda miss it, but I know I we must move on and
grow more.
Oh, so I thought I would tell you what I have learned about Elder
Teichert. His great grandma was Minerva Teichert, who was a very
talented artist and has many paintings in almost every temple and
meeting house throughout the world. He is a 3 time state champion in
wrestling. Almost every talk he gave at his home ward, L Tom Perry was
at. L Tom Perry was at his farewell as well, so they personally know
each other. He told me a little miracle that I thought was super cool,
so I thought I would share it with you. They was a lady in his home
town who had a beautiful and amazing daughter. She wanted so bad for
her daughter to be married and have a family, but no one was coming
along. But, her mother just kept praying. She prayed for her daughter
to be married to an amazing husband for over 40 years!! Then, one day
the day comes that she gets married to L Tom Perry!! Can you believe
that! She prayed for her daughter to find an amazing husband, and I
think she has her prayer answered ;)
 Family is such an amazing thing to have. I have really realized out here just how important family is and how much I love all of you.
So they came with a new Mormon message! Have you seen it? It is like
10 minutes long, but is but bullying and is really good! If you
haven't all seen it, you all should see it!
So, we had a few little blessings happen this past few weeks. First
is that I had a few pairs of pants fixed. 
 And Elder Teichert was having a suit altered so that it
would fit him. When we went to pick it up and pay for it, one of the
members of the ward was in there too. She was so nice, and picked up
the tab for it all! This ward takes really god care of us. And then,
last night we had dinner with the Baughn family, and he gave Elder
Teichert and I each a brand new pair of shoes. He has an online
business re-selling shoes called Allan Edmonds. You will have to look
them up. He gave me a pair called The Rutledge. He said they are over
400 dollars a pair new! You will have to look them up and see what
they cost and let me know. They are super nice though, and he said
they will last like forever if I take good card of them. So I am only
going to wear them to big meetings and stuff like that, not to
anything else.

So, I know that you asked me last week for me to tell you a little but
about my testimony, but I kinda forgot to in my letter....and it will
probably be really long!! I should probably start telling you more of
what I personally know to be true. I am constantly sharing my
testimony with others every day, and so I should be to you all as
well. There are so many things that I have a testimony of. My
testimony has definitely grown while I have been here on my mission,
and I have notice that it grows the most when we are given trials. I
feel somewhat selfish, because my own testimony has grown so much, and
I feel so much more completely converted to the gospel, and I have
been able to really realize what I have. I have learned that our
father in heaven gives us trials because he wants to help us grown,and
so he can bless us. I have a testimony of the commandments. Not just
the big ten, but all of the little things The Lord commands us to do
like to love others, and even just the commandment to pray. He gives
us those commandments because he wants to bless us. I have a huge
testimony of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is true, and it
has been given to provide us with hope, happiness, and guidance in
these last days. I find it interesting that in the Book of Mormon we
read that beginning with Nephi, all of the prophets new what was going
to happen. They all seen that eventually they would all become
completely wicked and be destroyed even after they had witnessed Jesus
Christ himself come to them. But, even though those prophets knew the
people would be destroyed in the end, they still taught them and kept
the records they were commanded to keep. Elder e Holland said that
"they still kept trying and had faith, because they knew that one day,
we, as missionary's would succeed a final time in bringing souls to
Christ". How amazing is that!? They kept trying because they had faith
one day we would be able to do it. I testify that the heavens are open
once again, and we as individuals and a Church receive revelation. I
testify that Joseph Smith was called to be a Prophet to Restore the
Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness to the earth. I know that he in
fact did see God, our eternal Father in Heaven, and God our Eldest
Brother Jesus Christ in a simple grove of trees that cool September
morning. They were and are two separate beings in body, but one in
goal, purpose, and work. They told him that he was to wait and latter
establish Christ church upon the earth once again. I testify that
prophet Moroni, who buried the plates himself, appeared to Joseph
several times and latter led him to the exact plates which he had
buried. Joseph translated those plates by the power of god as the
convincing evidence that he Indead was a prophet, and that Christ
authority had been restored to the earth. Each and every one of ushas
the ability to read and pray about this Devine book, and receive a
witness through the power of the Holy Ghost that it is true. The Book
of Mormon has changed and continues to change my life. Through knowing
that the Book of Mormon is true, I also know that Thomas S. Monson is
a Prophet of god today, and that he leads and guides Christ church
through revelation he directly receives from him. He holds the keys
for the kingdom of God upon the earth today. As I hear each of them
speak, I can hear the immense amount of charity that each and every
one of them possesses. I testify that the priesthood that has been
restored to the earth once again as well, and that many miracles occur
every day through that power. It is the very power by which all of
Gods will is accomplished here upon the earth. But, all blessings are
predicated upon our faith. I know our father hears every single word
that is uttered out of our mouth. He listens, not always does he
answer in the time or way in which we expect. Prayer is not to change
the will of our father, but so we can align our will with his. He has
promised the faithful that he will comfort them them in their
afflictions and bring peace to their hearts. Then we have to have
hope. We trust God that he will do what he has said he is going to do.
I know that our Father in Heaven has a plan for each and every one of
his children and that he loves each of them. We can all return to live
with him one day. One day will will all receive perfected bodies, and
we will be with our families for eternity. I realize that I do not
know everything. In fact, many of the people here have much more
knowledge than I do, but I know the knowledge I possess will bring
them more comfort and joy than they can even imagine. I am thankful
for the opportunity to be able to share this knowledge with others,
and I know that one day we will all be compensated for every hard or
unfair thing that we go through here on this earth. The Lord wants to
bless us, all we have to do is let him. Trust in The Lord, and believe
in the plan that he has laid out for you. There is more help and
happiness ahead than you can even imagine. I testify that he is
listening and wants to hear from us, In the sacred name of our savior
and redeemer, Jesus Christ, Amen.

We had a chance to study virtue this past week on our 9 weeks closer
to Christ. It was really neat to be able to really study virtue, and I
would highly recommend taking a little bit if time to study all of the
Christlike attributes. I think the thing that stuck out to me the most
is that virtue is a pre-requisite to power and the priesthood. It says
in doctrine and covenants 121 to "let virtue garnish thy thoughts
unceasingly, then shall thy confidence was strong in the presence of
god, and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as
the dews from heaven"

That's pretty much all I have this week, but I will e-mail you again
this next week!! I got your package a little bit ago, and it was so
great! I absolutely loved it!! I love you all so much!!
Elder Jorgensen

The train has left the station, you are either on it or you're not.

Written March 3, 2014

Hey family!!! :) 
So, my week was pretty good! :) This week was a much faster than last week for some reason. We had interviews with the president, and a district meeting all on Friday of this week. It is crazy how the work is moving forward. The quorum of the twelve and the first presidency said that This is serious stuff. We  are bringing about the salvation of men. They were a saying how "the train has left the station, you are either on it or you're not". There is no more middle ground, and "those who are not onboard are being released from their positions, and being replaced by someone who is". Pretty crazy! We have already witnessed this taking place here. I know recently that a bishop in our stake was just released, and replaced with the high councilor over missionary work. It's crazy to me  the church is not waiting around for people to take action anymore. Now is the time. I recently read a really good talk in the 2001 general conference by Elder Holland titled "witness unto me". It was so good. You should listen to it if you get the chance. 
I am so excited for Andy. I know that a mission will do so much for him, and that he will do so well. I can totally see him being a zone leader while he is out. 
Thank you so much for the package that I received a little while ago, and for all the letters. I will write everyone a little personal letter soon. And the videos were great and brought a huge smile to my face!! I loved them!! They are all so crazy! Thank you so much. It was good to see everyone's face and hear their voices. 
Oh, so crazy thing with Andy putting holes in his wall, I did the same thing at a members house this week! Haha we were having dinner and they had a little closet that went under their staircase. They knew that the space under the stair case was bigger than the closet currently was, so they wondered if we could make the closet bigger. I said why not? So I took a hammer and punched through the wall so that we could see what was behind it. It was funny because my companion went info the front room to take a phone call while we did this. So, he comes back to me with a hammer putting a big hole in a wall. Haha pretty funny! 
But I love you all so much!! Thank you for everything, and I will try and write a more interesting letter next week haha :) 
Love, Elder Jorgensen

The Lord will keep his promise to me

Written Febuary 24, 2014

Dear Mom, Dad, and Family,

Thank you so much for all the pictures from you. We are no longer allowed to look at our email during the week any more, but it was great to see all the pictures that you sent me. I love it! 

I am so happy that Cris was able to fight hard and win one of his matches. I know that as he continues to trust In The Lord and work hard, he will strengthen him. We talked a lot about faith in church yesterday, especially in Elders Quorum. Most of the people in this ward are pretty well off. They have really good jobs, nice homes, and a great family. One of them was saying that his family will always ask him how he is so successful. He said it is really simple, "all I do is trust in The Lord. I do what I need to be doing, strive to keep the commandments, and help others. Then I trust The Lord (have hope) that The Lord will keep his promise with me. Just as he promised the Nephites, As long as ye keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land." I know that that principle is true. It applies to everything that we do. I think of Josey, and the amazing basketball/volleyball player that she was. I know a large portion of why she was so good is because she strived to live the commandments, and she worked as hard as she could to do her best. With god all things are possible. 

I'm sad to hear that Rigby's basketball team isn't doing too well, but hopefully next year they will be able to do really well. A. mission is hard. Way harder than I ever Imagined it being. I can see how many people are not able to stick it out. But, I know that when The Lord said "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes." That he meant it. These little things that jeep in our lives are small moments. We can endure them well, learn from them, and have them make us a better person, or we can shrink and have no reward. Things get hard, but sometimes The Lord brings us low so that he can lift us higher. I know that is true. It never really gets any easier. But then, it wasn't supposed to get easier. What good does it do you if you lift 200 pounds, and then go back to a couple reps of 50? You only grow when it is hard. 

Connie Peterson is an amazing person. She is so talented, and such a great friend to us all. I love how big her heart is. That is so great to hear that Joe and Jacob both are preparing to serve missions. I know there is nothing greater that they could do. I am so happy to hear that Andy is in mission prep mode. I would encourage him to do several things.
1. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, including the introduction/testimonies 
2. Read all the way through and then study from preach my gospel every day. 
3. Read Doctrine and Covenants 121. Pay special and close attention to 33-46. We have those verses memorized as a mission, that is how important that they are. 
4. Memorize Doctrine and Covenants 4
But the most important of all of those to do is to read all the way through preach my gospel.
I am so happy to hear that you and dad are being more involved in missionary work as well. That is so great. I know that you and dad could all study from preach my gospel, and it would really help all of you and do the most to prepare all of you for missions. Probably more than anything else. I have not seen the march edition of the ensign yet, but I can't wait. I also can't wait for it to be time to watch conference again as well! So exciting to think that on just a short while we will be able to hear from a prophet of god an chosen apostles. It's like the same as If Moses or Noah were to stand up and speak to us. Crazy!! 

We we had the opportunity to have like 3 exchanges here this week, which was great. I love to be able to be with the leadership of the mission. They are so inspiring and great. We also were able to find some new investigators and meet some really great people. Thank you so much for all your prayers. The peoples hearts are softening. I love the idea that you had to pray about that. Good idea. 

I love you all so much, and can't wait to see you all on Mother's Day!! 
Elder Jorgensen 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

If you're not Green you can't grow

Hey Mom, Dad and Fam,
Written February 17, 2014
That is amazing that Andy was able to shave an entire second off of
his time. Way to go Andy!! I know the Simplot games are a really big
deal. They are huge. A&B does a dance thing for the games, and we
always had a bunch of people come to it. We have heard a little bit
about the Olympics, but not much. Just mainly people saying that it
has has been warmer in Russia for the Olympics than it has been here
in North Carolina. Crazy! We had a big storm this week. It dropped
about 8inches of snow in two days, and no one was really prepared for
it. Everything pretty much just shuts down, for two days no one was
really on the roads, went to work or school or anything. We were some
of the only people crazy enough to be out haha.
So I may have to you that as a mission we were doing a 40 day
fast in which we give up something temporal that we love for 40 days
to help us come closer to Christ. I chose ice cream for mine. It has
has been going really well. I have learned a couple things already
from it that I think are key for me at this point in my life. One of
the most crucial things that I have learned is that it gets easier. At
first my craving for ice cream only increased as the fast went on. I
wanted it more and more all the time, but around the middle of this
week the craving lessened, and more desire for Ice cream decreased,
and now the desire is not nearly as strong as it was even when I was
partaking of it. So, I learned that with the desires of the natural
man, and possibly all desires, (such as reading your scriptures and
praying) will diminish as we do not partake of them. So, in spiritual
matters we have to keep doing what we need to be doing, or pretty soon
we will have no more desire to do good. In the desires of the natural
man, it's gets easier over time to abstain from partaking of them.
Huntersville is very different from Danville. Sadly, the people
seem to be less humble and harder to share a message with. We have
been working hard, but most of our time is spent knocking on doors,
which is not the most effective thing in the world. I do believe
however, that the work here is on the edge of really taking off. The
members here are great. So much of our efforts are focused on helping
members do missionary work and building trust with the members of the
ward. Almost all of our area is city, and so it is a different aspect
in they respect. Most of the people in the area work for a bank, or
something like that, and so they tend to be more well off in life. It
is good for me to see that contrast though.
Moving to a new area is something different than I have really
ever experienced in my life before my mission. When I first came out
on my mission it was all new. So, it's like if you and dad just up and
moved to Boise in a few days. A completely new ward, stake, neighbors,
you don't know anyone, or where anything is. But, after a few months
you get to know all the people in your ward and your neighbors. You
make new friends, and you have figured out how to get around and where
everything is. Now, imagine If 5 months later you had to move another
2 hours away from there, to say like twin falls. So, now you have to
do that all over again. So you have to do all of that all over again.
That is probably the hardest part about moving to a new area.
All of that being said, it may sound like I'm kinda complaining,
but really I'm not. Believe it or not, in a lot of ways it is a good
thing. I feel it's not so good in the fact that you leave behind those
relationships that you have built/connections that you have made with
people that may help them grow, but at the same time Heavenly Father
knows what those people need in their lives, and what we need in ours.
I think the biggest reason and how this all ties back to feeling like
you are a new missionary all over again when you transfer to somewhere
else, is because of this quote that bishop Mullins of the Danville
ward shared with me. He said, "If your not green, you can't grow".
That thought has really stuck in my mind the past few days. I can't
help but think how true that is, but not only that, how powerful that
principle is. I have certainly found that to be true the past two
weeks as I have moved to this new area. When we are new at something,
or uncomfortable with a situation, that is when we have the
opportunity to grow and learn the most. But, why is that? Why do we
learn so much more when we are in that position of life?
As I was reading from the Book of Mormon in my morning studies, I
came across a scripture that really stood out to me. I loved Alma 32
because of how it talks about faith in the middle and latter versus,
but this time as I read through it I picked up on something different.
I realized that I had completely missed out on how important and
powerful the first part of the chapter was. In Alma 32,13-16 it says.
"And now, because ye are compelled to be humble blessed are ye; for a
man sometimes, if he is compelled to be humble, seeketh repentance;
and now surely, whosoever repent shall find mercy; and he that
findeth mercy and endureth to the end the same shall be saved.
And now, as I said unto you, that because ye were compelled to be
humble ye were blessed, do ye not suppose that they are more blessed
who truly humble themselves because of the word?
Yea, he that truly humbleth himself, and repenteth of his sins, and
endureth to the end, the same shall be blessed--yea, much more blessed
than they who are compelled to be humble because of their exceeding
Therefore, blessed are they who humble themselves without being
compelled to be humble; or rather, in other words, blessed is he that
believeth in the word of God, and is baptized without stubbornness of
heart, yea, without being brought to know the word, or even compelled
to know, before they will believe."
So, I guess to tie all of this together, we have to be humble.
When we are moved to a new area in the mission, in essence we are
"compelled to be humble". So, when we are humble we are able to learn.
We are then able to be taught by the Holy Ghost, and he is the
greatest teacher of all.
So, since valentines day was this past week, one of the women in
the ward had a whole bunch of flowers and she did a little photo shoot
with us for a second. It was pretty fun. The pictures turned out
really good too I think :) so happy valentines day!! :) and I hope
dad's birthday was really good! 
Well I love you all very much! Keep doing your part to hasten the
lords work and always read your scriptures every day. If our
investigators can do it, I think we should be able to do it too :) I
love you!! Good luck with all that you have to do this week. Be good
and remember who you are. "When you know who you are, you act
Elder Jorgensen

Monday, February 10, 2014

Huntersville North Carolina

 Written February 10, 2014
Hey familia!!
So I am now serving in 
Huntersville North Carolina. 
It is a great
place, and I have already gotten 
to know quite a few people. It is
much different than Danville was. 
Most of the people here have a much
higher income bracket, which is good 
and bad at the same time. It is
harder to teach a lot of lessons, 
and to have a lot of Investigators
at one time. But, when you do have 
a solid Investigator that person is
more real growth.  We are able to 
have more real growth. We live 
in an apartment complex now, instead 
of a house as well. The area that we
are working with is much smaller 
as well. But the Huntersville ward is
great. So as for the picture, we went 
to sacrament meeting, and it was
ward conference. Brother blue is the 
stake choir director, so he was
at our ward conference. I thought 
I recognized him from somewhere, so
I just introduced myself to him. After 
sacrament meeting he came up to
me and asked for a picture with me 
that he could send to Brother Jose.
He was a great guy.
My new companions name is 
Elder Teichert. He is from Cokeville
Wyoming. He has been out on his mission 
for 13 months now, and he is
great. I have already learned so 
much from him. He comes from a family
of 13 and is number 10. He is also the 
district leader here.
We have been doing a lot of 
personal finding and knocking doors
here lately. So, most of the doors we 
knock on the people are nice,
but don't have time and are not interested. 
Some just say no thanks
and shut the door.
I really hope Cris is able to do 
good at his last match. I know he can
do it. He so good enough to take both of them.
I heard that the Olympics had started. That is pretty sweet that she
took fifth. I'm really excited to hear how everyone does. 
The water situation seems pretty crazy too. I can't believe that we
don't have more snow :/ hopefully at some point we will be able to get
more so that we can irrigate.
Huntersville is a city, but it is more of a suburb of Charlotte. I do
like it here, but it so really different. Most of the people in the
ward are young families just out of college or so. Around 25-32 I
would say is the average age of most of the people here. 
Something that you could all pray for is that we will be able help
our Investigators really start to progress.
Thank you for all of your love and support. I love you!!
Elder Jorgensen.
Oh, so I met a Sister Jorgensen that is in my zone. She is from Utah.
There is also an Elder in my zone who is from Tetonia I think, and he
knows Braden and Uncle Randy. I thought that was pretty cool!


Written February 3, 2014 
Dear family,
That is so crazy that you haven't 
gotten any more snow!! We ended up
getting some more snow here. 
It is all gone now, but we ended up with
about 2 inches of snow and it 
got pretty cold. It is all gone now, and
it is pretty warm :)
Andy sounds like he is doing 
really well with track. That is so
exciting. He is doing so well, 
and I know that as long as he works
hard and tries his best he 
will be successful.
So we did some very interesting
things this week. First of all, I was
able to go to a Pentecostal Holiness 
Church last night.That was crazy!
It was totally not what I expected, 
but to be honest I didn't really
know what to expect. We were 
welcomed and everyone was so nice! The
way they pray is really different 
than we do. They prayer whisper, so
people yell and talk while the 
person prays. They also play music
while they pray. It was said good 
experience to go and see what other
religions are like compared to ours. 
It really strengthened my own
We also got transfer calls on Friday 
night, and I found out that me,
sister Allred from Eden, and sister Blaney 
from here in Danville are
all getting transferred.
 So...I guess I just pack up an go to 
transfers on Tuesday so that I can 
find out where my new area is :)
I'm really sad to be leaving Danville. 
It is like a second home to me 
now, and I have met so many amazing 
people. I know the city as well or
better than I know Idaho falls. 
I would say Danville is about the same
size as IF.
We were able to finally have our 
marshmallow gun war as well. It was
really fun, and we did it in caswell 
country's area. I'll send you a
picture :) it was so fun.
 I know that Heavenly Father really builds us and shapes us into
the people that we need to be. He has a plan for us.
It is so great to be able to hear about what is going on back home,
and. How everyone is doing. I love you all so much!! Thank you
for all that y'all do for me. There is no way that I could be doing
this without y'all's help. I love you so much!!
Elder Jorgensen

Marshmallow gun war

Written January 27, 2014 
This week was a pretty good 
week here in Danville. We were able to
meet some new people that I had 
not met before, and we solidified some
baptism dates :) we should be 
having two people get baptized 
on the 8th of February, and hopefully 
one or two more on the 22nd February as
well. We are so excited off them! 
Two of our investigators Marvin, and
Connie are being baptized on the 8th. 
Connie actually asked me to baptize her.
What an amazing pleasure and honor it 
is to be able to help someone make 
these covenants with The Lord. Just 
like you said, the weeks and months 
are starting to go by a lot
faster. 4-5 weeks ago the weeks 
seemed to really drag on, but now they
are going by super fast. I have been
out over 4 months now, and at the
end of this next transfer it will be six, 
which means I will be 1/4 of
the way finished with my mission!! 
That is so great to hear 
that Cris is doing so well! 
I'm so glad he was able or 
go back up to the varsity level,
and still pin someone at that 
Level in the first round. 
He is getting much better!! :D 
I can't wait to hear how he 
does this next week, and especially how he
will do the next few years.
We did get some snow here. It was pretty crazy. 
The schools here were out for so long! They 
didn't have school on Monday for MLK day, and
then they got out Tuesday and Wednesday too! 
So it was like a five day break for them. The 
snow was no big deal though. It was literally
enough to cover the ground, and that was it. 
It is mostly gone now, but it has been super cold.
That is crazy that the stake is fasting for moisture this fast Sunday!
I will be praying for you, that we can get some moisture in the
mountains. Snow is a pretty important thing for us. We fasted this
past Sunday as a mission, and that was a great experience. We started
a 40 day fast as a mission, that will conclude on Easter Sunday. It
will be a great thing for me, and for our mission. I think it will
help us to really sanctify ourselves and make us better missionary's.
This Sunday we were able to have 5 of our investigators come to
church, and three of those have a baptism date. Our goal for this next
week Is to have 8 investigators at church, and have all 8 have baptism
dates! :) The Lord is hastening his work so much, and it is such a
blessing to be a part of it.
Sister Wood is in our zone. I get to see her and say hi when we have
zone meetings and activities, so that is pretty great. She is an amazing
Our marshmallow gun war is today. We are pretty excited for it. I'm
still not sure if it is going to work, but I am hopeful. 
That is so crazy that Josh Is almost done with his mission!! How long
does Sawyer have left in his mission? Transfers are on the 4th, and I
won't know if I leave until Saturday night. Danville feels sorta
like a second home to me now, so it will be sad to leave, but I know
if/when I am called to do so it will be the right thing.
All of our investigators are doing pretty well. We are so excited for
them. We are trying to find more investigators right now, so we are
super to excited exercise our faith to find others that are prepared
to hear the restored gospel. Thank you for all your love and prayers, 
and I will continue to pray for y'all's health
and safety! I love you!!! Have a great week, and before you know it,
we will be able to see each other again. Love you!!
Elder Jorgensen

But, if I were to sum up the plan of salvation in one word, I would use the word Atonement.

 Written January 21, 2014
Hello mom, dad, and family!
So, yesterday was Martin Luther King day, 
so we didn't have a p-day.
They wanted us to be out proselyting
 so, our p-day was moved to today.
It has been a crazy busy week, and 
this week should be even more busy.
But it is so good, and we are able to 
really see the work progress and
move forward. It is so exciting to see,
and when we are super busy it
makes the time just go faster it 
seems like.
Good job to Cris. That is so good that 
he is putting all he
has in to it, and I can tell he is
 trying his hardest. That is
amazing! It is amazing to me that Andy 
was able to go and compete in
the indoor track meet, and that he won!
 Good Job!!
I was so excited to hear about that recent
 convert in our ward! That
is so amazing! I know that The Lord gives 
us mountains to climb, and
rivers to cross in life, because those
 are things things that are
going to make us better and help
 us to increase our testimony. I know
that our Father in Heaven does
love him. He loves all of us, more than
we can imagine. I think his love is very 
comparable to the love that a Mother or Father
has for one of their children.
That is so crazy that you met
Kenna Lindstom. Yes, when we went on the
choir trip to California, she was in
the group that we hung out with
In Disney Land. We would run ahead and get a fast pass for another
ride while they waited and slowly walked to a different ride, so we
were able to cover a lot of ground In not very much time. It was
really fun! That is funny that Disney land has come up haha. I have
been thinking lately that when I come back, I think I am going to
apply for a job there, I think It would be a good job, and really fun
I heard that the temple was showing another new movie as well. I guess
they are going use both of them. Haha maybe this is there solution to being able to
keep people awake! Haha
It sounds like I'm not missing out too much on the snow then! They are
actually calling for a storm today and tonight sometime...
It is crazy to think that I have already been out for 4 months now. It
has gone so fast. It is crazy to think that I'm 1/8 of the way
finished with this part of my life. But, in the last 4 months I have
learned and grown more than I could have ever imagined. The plan of
salvation is an amazing thing. It literally is the plan, and the way
that we are to return to our Father in Heaven. But, if I were to sum
up the plan of salvation in one word, I would use the word Atonement.
It is only in and through the atonement of Jesus Christ that the plan
is possible. He not only fulfills the law of Moses with his sacrifice,
but he make it possible for us to all live again in the kingdom of
glory that we choose. We choose which kingdom that we enter by the
actions and deeds that we perform while here on this earth. In a talk
I recently read by a former mission president it stated that a vast
majority of the worlds inhabitants will be in the terrestrial kingdom.
That was such a powerful statement to me. I think I become a little
more converted to the work I was doing when I read that statement. I
knew that my calling was so important, and that I needed to talk with
everyone that I came into contact with. The Lord himself said in
Doctrine & Covenants chapter 61 verse 3 "But verily I say unto you,
that it is not needful for this whole company of mine elders to be
moving swiftly upon the waters, whilst the inhabitants on either side
are perishing in unbelief." I know that is true. The message that I am
bringing to the world will change lives. Forever.
One other thing that really hit me as I studied was about judgement
day. The judgement is not for us to plead our case to The Lord, or for
it to be decided which kingdom of glory that we have earned while
here. That has already been decide. We have already been resurrected
as celestial, telestial, or terrestrial beings. Judgment is to say that
YOU have payed the the price for the sins that you did not let the
Savior pay the price for. When we access the atonement, the savior
takes the punishment for those sins, and we do not pay the price that
must be paid. But, if we do not access the atonement, and wait till
the spirit world to repent, we ourselves must pay that price. Judgment
will be us acknowledging that the Saviors and Gods judgment and
placement of our spirits was just. So, look at how far we have all
come. Of all the people in the world, we have made the necessary
covenants to return, and we know the plan. We know how to access the
atonement and make ourselves into the Christlike person that we need
to be. Can you see how incredibly stupid it would be for us to not use
the atonement, or to turn our back now...
Anyways haha the work here is Amazing. We have been so busy. This week
we have been riding our bikes almost everywhere, since we are out of
miles :/ so, we rode about 60 miles last week, and will ride even more
than that this week. Haha we are calling it the "we're out of miles
work out plan". It is good though, cause I'm eating better now, and
working my body harder, so hopefully I start to loose some more weight
:) we were so blessed of have 4 of our investigators at church this
past Sunday, and the sisters had 5 of theirs! We had overall 214
people at church!! Woohoo!! This week our goal is to have 8 of our
investigators at church, so wish us luck haha. We should be really
busy this week. That is a lofty goal to reach, but I think we can do
it. But The zone average is only 1 at church.
Thank you so much for all that you do for me! I love to hear about all
that is going on back home, and I will try to keep you updated with
what is happening here the best I can. We have started doing a little
more service, which is great! I love doing service.
Oh, so we decided we wanted to have a really fun district activity and
do something that we didn't think anyone had ever done before. So, we
came up with the idea to have a marshmallow gun war! 
 It should be so fun! But, you know how I like
to think out of the box, and do things that haven't been done.....I
decided to do that with this too. Haha so the big gun in the pictures
is my gun. It has an air tank on it, and I put a door bell button in
the handle as a trigger! It is Super fun to play with :)
Anyways, I hope you all have a great week!! Good luck to Andy and Cris
as they train and compete. I'm praying for them, and I'm praying for
y'all too! Everyday! I couldn't have been blessed with a better
family. Y'all are the best!!
  Also, since we are staring to be able
to do more service, and I am beginning to be able to use the skills
that dad taught me, I'm noticing that I'm lacking something.. Tools!!
Haha so, maybe next few time you would like to send something you
could throw in a couple tools that we just have laying around the
house or someone. I don't care what they look like or anything. Even
if they are really old and beat up. I could use some screwdrivers, a
tape measure, pliers, maybe a multi-tool, crescent wrench, maybe
vise-grips, a hammer. I also bought some electrical pliers before I
left. Idk where they are, but those would be great.  Thank you so much!! You
have no idea how much I love y'all and appreciate what you do for me.
I could never do this without your love and support!

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Drinks decided to leave their containers

 Written January 13, 2014
Dear dad,
We have not been able to do much service
 lately, but we hope to start
doing some more soon. This week we were 
really busy with teaching. We
taught 23 lessons this past week. This week
 we have a goal to teach 24
through, so we should be really busy this
 week. I am happy with
getting 23 lessons in, because the
 standards of excellence for our
mission is 20 total lessons. But,
 most areas don't quite hit that.
Right now our zone average is only
 13 lessons a week.
 And I know what you mean about
 people not knowing how
to drive in those conditions. 
Whenever we have freezing rain or a tiny
bit of snow they won't let us 
drive or ride bikes. It's not 
because we aren't capable, but 
because no one here knows how 
to drive in those conditions. 
On Friday in Greensboro 
(a city about the size of Boise)
we had a zone meeting. It was 
raining super hard, and had been all
day, so the roads were somewhat
 slick. I was asked earlier in the week
to give a training on talking
 with everyone and teaching when we find them.
 (Not just talking to them and setting 
up a return appointment,but we should 
teach them as soon as we find them.) 
After zone meeting we could go and 
get something to eat and bring it back to the stake
center so that we could have lunch as a zone. So my companion and I
went to Wendy's since I had a gift card to there. On our way back to
the stake center we stopped at a stop light, but the car behind us
didn't quite come to a stop in time. So....I was in a car accident on
my mission already!! Haha it wasn't super bad, and most of the damage
was done to the interior of our car :/ we had gotten our drinks and
another set of Elders drinks to bring back with us in a drink carrier.
Well when we were hit, the drinks decided to leave their container.
So, I was covered in fruit punch, root beer, and sprite. It was
great!!! Haha
My week went pretty good. It was really fast, which is nice.
 We have a couple new investigators. We found Marvin
and miss Connie this past week, and we were able to teach them a lot
this week. Both of them came to church this week along with the
Taylor's and mike. Marvin has a baptism date for the 25th of this
month, but he smokes. We are teaching the stop smoking to him today
though, so if he stops today, then he will be able to be baptized
then. He is so excited to be baptized, and has already been to church
twice :)
Miss Connie is a friend of a lady that we are re-activating. It is
good because then miss Connie has a friend with her, and the less active
has to come to church because she has to pick up her friend. And when
less actives have the opportunity to bear their testimony to them it
helps them grow in their own faith as well.
Mike is crazy!! I think I may have told you about him, but he is a
Vietnam veteran, so he has a little PTSD as well. He called us over to
his house yesterday before church, and we weren't planning on him
being at church. We convinced him to come though, and had someone pick
him up.
 He has a love for the scriptures. We told him about
 the Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of
Great Price. He immediately wanted them. He knows that all of the
standard works are true, and that they are the word of God. He has a
huge desire to be baptized as well. He said that he wants to be
baptized more than anything else. But, he smokes and is an alcoholic.
He is committed to stop though, and he hopefully smoked his last
cigarette last night. We will see how it go's though. He just has to
get his life in order and meet the qualifications so that he can be
The Last two Taylor's are committed to be baptized in February sometime.
I'm so glad that you are spiritually feeding your soul. You should
watch the Mormon message "daily bread". It is so good. D. Todd
Christofferson does an amazing job expressing our need for daily
nourishment. Also the talk "my soul hungered and my stomach growled"
is a great one from Hank Smith.
That is so amazing that Cris won 3rd place!!! Way to go Cris!!!!!!!
I'm so glad the spirit whispered to you to have dad give Cris a
blessing. I know that it helped. I hope that was able to not only
build his confidence in himself, but also build all of your faith.
That is so amazing! We got in late last night because someone called
us at like 9:20 and said that someone needed a blessing, so went and
gave one. 
Has Randi been at any of the wrestling matches? What is she up to?
Thank you so much for the letters and the packages. All of the
seasoning is so useful, as we have started to cook a lot now. I'm back
down to 250 pounds! Yay!!!
It was really cold here! Haha at home I can handle 10 or 15 degree
temperatures, but here it is crazy cold. I just cuts right through you
chills you from like the inside out it seems like. But the past few
days it has been like 60 degrees, so thats not too bad :)
I know that it isn't your birthday yet, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST
to send you a card, but it won't get to you quite in time :/ just know
that I love you and pray for you every night, and you are always in my
heart no matter how far away we are from each other.
For our district activity Elder Snow and I came up with the idea to
have a marshmallow gun fight!! Haha it should be so fun. We are going
to go to Home Depot and get the parts to build them today :) we
thought it should be cheap, but also pretty fun :) and the sisters
will pay us back for our expenses :) haha I was
curious how the missionary's in our stake are doing? Are they being
obedient and everything? Do they have many investigators?
Oh, and I wanted you to look at a page too :) in the gospel library,
under missionary there is the hastening the work stuff. You and dad
should look at that, because it really explains what the members role
is, and how they should work with the missionary's. And if you want to
see exactly  what being a missionary is like, you could watch the
districts. That is my life to a Tee haha.
I love you all so much, and I pray for you all the time. Have a great
week and I will hear from you soon :)
Elder Jorgensen

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Love Missionary work though Service

                     Written December 30, 2013

Hey mom dad and family!! 

It was so good to see y'all on Christmas too!!
 I feel like I really have grown so much in my
 understanding of the savior and his doctrine.
I hope at home y'all have been able to grow your
 own testimonies and become more converted to
 the gospel of Jesus Christ. We didn't have any
 investigators at church this past week :/
so we went to the gospel doctrine class.
 I had never been to the gospel doctrine class,
 but it was really good. We talked about the first
 chapter of Moses and what happened to Moses.
Moses went up on top of the mountain and there
was able to see god (Jesus Christ). God showed
 him every part of the world and there was not a
single thing that Moses was not able to see by the
power of discernment from Christ. Moses is even
reminded of who is when he is called "Son of God".
This also reminds Moses that by being the son of god,
 he is then able to progress to be like god. But after
Moses's "vision" was over he was very weak from all
the spirt leaving him. He realizes just how weak man truly is.
 In this time of weakness for Moses, Satan strikes his hardest.
 Even after Moses has just witnessed the power and divinity of god,
 Satan has the audacity to come to him and tempt him telling Moses "Son of Man, worship me!" Satan commands Moses to worship him. Four times Moses has to tell Satan to depart hence from his presence and leave him alone. I think this story can really be used to draw parallels between ourselves and Moses. Even after we have received great spiritual witness, Satan still tries to get at us. Indeed, it could be that the times Satan works his hardest on us would be at these moments when we feel that we are spiritually the strongest. 

I love being able to liken the Scriptures to myself and see all of the parallels that God has given us. There is great power that come to us as we study the scriptures and compare them to ourselves. 
This past week we were also able to do some more service. I love being able to do service. Sometimes I think I would rather just do and do service all day than actually teach haha. I think I like to do missionary work like Alma of old did. When we serve the people first, their hearts are softened toward us and then we are able to help them progress in the gospel and teach them.
One of the sisters in the ward is remodeling her house and her brother is helping her do it. He wasn't quite sure how to do some things so we decided to help. The bathroom was wired wrong, so we had to re-wire the switches so that the light and fan would turn on. Then we laid some pergo flooring in the front room that her brother had framed in. When we got closer to the door we realized that the door was not high enough and would not open with the flooring down. So, we had them go and get a smaller door, that way we wouldn't have to re-frame the whole for the door and we could just put some OSB under the door to get it up over the floor. (This is an exterior door) come to find out the whole he framed for the door is not even close to square so we will still have to cut into the sheet rock and kinda re-frame the opening right? What would you suggest we do? Oh, and I have a little grinder now. Should I just keep it with me out here in case we need it, or should I send it home? 

Think y'all for all of the Christmas and birthday package's! We had pancakes and some of your homemade syrup for breakfast and it was super good!! Thank you so much! Sadie sent me a package as well. Pretty much an entire birthday party in a box. She even put cake in cans for my companion and I. I was super surprised by all of that! I was also really surprised when I got a Christmas package from Josey and her family! It was a stocking filled with some stuff and some pictures. Sadie's had the twelve days of Christmas packages like y'all's and on Christmas it was a handmade box that played music. It was pretty sweet! Thank y'all so much for the ties and everything! It was so great. The speakers work great too. Thank you! I like the idea of replacing the bulbs with LEDs. That will be so great! Could dad put LEDs in the garage too so that he will be able to work out there without it costing as much? 

So, I figured I would answer some of the questions that you wanted to ask me. Flying? I'm not the biggest fan of it. Take off was pretty cool, but right after take off I felt kinda sick :/ I think I get plane sick. But it was fun to be able to talk to people. Pic sat kinda by a Sister Kronmiller. We talked for a bit and I found out she was from south Ogden. She actually knew exactly where the chevron by grandmas house was and she said she lived just up that hill, so she can't live more then a few miles from grandmas house! Crazy huh!! The mission home is pretty nice. It is just bascily like a good size house in the city. Nothing fancy. The MTC food was great! I would honestly go back to the MTC in a heartbeat. Everything was great about it. Not many missionaries liked the MTC, but I loved it. I think some of that is because I was on the west campus maybe? In some ways seeing y'all made me a little homesick, but in others it made me less homesick, which is good. Lately I had been struggling to stay focused on the work, but after talking to and seeing y'all I was more ready and inspired or get to work! It was good. 

That is so good that Brenna is going on a mission. Wish her luck for me. She will do Great. It will be hard, but so worth it. That is nice that you were able to see Leah as well and that she talked to y'all. Whom The Lord calls he qualifies. Wish Cris good luck for me! He will do great. All he has to do is do his best. I miss Paxten and Keasa, but I know that they are fine :) I hope they are having fun!! I will send my Christmas gifts for y'all in the mail today as well :) oh, and I would love more random ties and sweaters :) 

Love y'all so much and merry Christmas!!! 
Happy new year!!

Elder Jorgensen