Hey Elder Matt, Sept. 21, 2013
We WON again!!!4-0!! 32-13. We started on D and saced the QB 3 times,
backed them into our endzone. they punted it out and we scored on the
very first offensive play. It was awesome!! we saced Zac 9 times in the
first half. The refs were ok but we still had Way more penalties than
they did. Andy played alot as it seemed we were always kicking it or
punting. He had some great blocks. It was 13-7 at half time and they
never scored again till they had a good pass at the end of the 3rd. I
got to the game at 530 and the seating was already limited. by 630 there
were no seats left and the line was 100yards long. It stayed that way
till the game started. the track had people sitting on it half way
around on both sides. Crazy!! The playback screen worked just like you
said it would, Couldn't see a thing till it got dark then it was pretty
cool. Jp replayed some bad calls and a couple of great touchdowns.
I sent you off a package yesterday, just random stuff. Please don't
hesitate telling me what you want or need. I think I will run out of
ideas fast.:)
We are all doing good. The first 24 hours was really hard. But we don't
want you anywhere else and know you are taken care of. Dad cried alot
and you already knew I would and will.Your brothers cried more than I
thought they would and they definitely feel your absence. So it's got to
be nice to know they at least love and miss you! :) But they are proud
and happy tears. We miss you too!! So very much!! We haven't missed
family prayer and we are trying to make it a habit. It will be! I almost
can't believe it has been nearly a week since your farewell.
Be obedient and work hard Heavenly Father will take care of the rest. We Love you!!
I seen Marcie Nelson's mom yesterday, she said Marcie's cousin John is
headed to your mission in December. The Broulim's send their love and
best wishes as well. So do the Taylor's, Peterson's and Livingston's.
They all love you!
Work Hard as I know you already are!! We love You So SO much!!
Mom and Dad
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