Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Football and Mission Life

Written Oct 15, 2013
That is so cool that you can use Google earth!.  Our church is the only LDS church in Danville, and it is a little ways away, but not too bad. We are on carshare, so every other week we have a car, and the other weeks the sisters in our mission have the car. it works out pretty good. Our car is so nice though! Its a VW jetta. 2013 and it only has around 2,000 miles on it! Its so nice! But we do bike and walk alot cause we only have 750 miles and our area is pretty big plus we have to go down to Charlotte this month and that is about 300 miles or so.

I'm glad that Sadie and Jori both got my letters! hopefully Amanda did too! haha. I was hoping I would get some letters from them today so that I could not have to wait till next week, but oh well.
That is sad to hear all of that about football this week. That stinks that we lost all of them this week, but I hope that they are able to work hard and to do really good this next week! I can't wait to hear how they do. It is something that I really look forward to each week is finding out how the football games went. I am always bragging about how well we are doing this year. that is so great!!  Alot of the people here are black, and their standard of living is very low. All of their homes are very small, and not very well taken care of. most of them do not take very good care of themselves either. Drinking and smoking are one of the biggest problems here. For example, we visited a man and his two brothers one day, and we had no desire to go into their home it was so bad. You could smell it from the stairs leading up to the house. One of them sat in a rocking chair on the front porch and he was drunk. The other brother sat next to him in his own chair. His name is Scott, and he is the one that we came to see. He doesn't live with his brothers, he just takes care of them. He is the only one with a job so he makes them food and basically keeps them alive. One brother I have still yet to seen yet because he is always in the house asleep because he is sick. I guess he has a giant abscess on his face that is really swollen and infected. Scott made him go to the hospital, and the doctor prescribed him just a antibiotic that would take care of it and if he kept it clean and took those, it would heal and be fine. but, he is always too drunk to go and get his prescription, and he can't afford it either because all of his money that he gets every month just goes to him getting alcohol and cigarettes. It is almost heartbreaking to see these people like this.
I am so excited about you running that 5K though!! you have no idea. I am so proud of you! that is so cool that you have been training, and I know that if you give it everything you have and put your trust in god you can do it. With god on your side you can do anything. their are so many stories in the book of Mormon and especially in the first 20 chapters of Alma that testify of this principle. Time and time again the righteous are taken to war with the wicked and even though the righteous are smaller, they have the lord with them and he preserves them for another day. They are always victorious in their quest because they have faith in their god.
 That is cool that Elder Thomas is a trainer. I know that it is possible that i
I could be a trainer after 3 months. it has happened before haha. but I know whatever happens the lord will prepare us for and he will help us rise to our calling. 1 Nephi 3:7 "and I Nephi said unto my father I will go and do the things which the lord hath commanded for I know that the lord givith no commandment unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way that they may accomplish the thing which he hath commanded them" have faith that you can do it and do your best, and the lord will make it possible. That is cool that you are both in the Gospel Principles class. That is the class. that we go to every Sunday as well. Thank you for the pictures! That is so good to see all of that and it made me so happy! The way that you sent them was great!
 The Clay family is so awesome. They remind me of our family and the Grover family put together. He is a firefighter. We were able to go out to their house for dinner this Sunday night with the sisters, and it was alot of fun. They have a son who is out on his mission right now, and he has been out for about a year. But he tore his ACL and lateral something else so he is coming him this next transfer. So, they are all getting ready for that and making their home into a little MTC so that he can stay in missionary mode and get back out into the field as soon as possible. He will also be called as a ward missionary as soon as he is released from being a full time one so he will come out with us quite a bit probably which will be good. They also have two other sons that are about Andy and Cris's age, and them a daughter about 7ish. They are a great family, and we have fun with them. We feel very loved by them.
I love you all, and I look forward to next Monday. work hard at home, and know that  I will be working hard here. thank you for the package too! it was so great! I'm surprised that it got here so fast. haha but I love ya"ll and know that I'm proud of you. Thank you! 
Love, Elder Jorgensen

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