Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A week of Service

Dear Family,
This week seemed like it was going so slow, but looking back it really flew by. The last part of this week especially flew by. This week was a hard week for us numbers wise, but we were able to stay busy. So, we have these things called Key Indicators which are the numbers that we use and report on so that we can track our work and progress. They are the Key Indicators for Conversion. In a average week we will teach 18-20 lessons, and we will find around 5 new investigators. This past week we were doing so much service that we were only able to teach 9 lessons, and find 1 new investigator. The new investigator that we were able to find is actually the land lord of the house that the Taylor family is moving into. The house that they are moving into was so gross that it was impossible for anyone to live in it. There was just trash and tons of stuff throughout the house, and a smoker had lived there for 40 years. The ceilings that were once white,  were brown from all the smoke. Tar covered the walls, and dripped from the ceiling. The Taylor family has to be out of their current home by the 30th of this month. So, we jumped into action to try and help them move into this new rental before then. All of the ceilings in the House had to be scraped off to get rid of the tar and cigarette smoke. All of the walls were wood paneling, and had to be sanded down. Then, the entire house is going to be sprayed with a coat of Kilz primer to seal it all. Last week we were able to get it all ready to prime. It was alot of work, but we were happy to do it. Serving others is the best way to get close to them and to help them come unto Christ. It is the best way to do missionary work. In Alma chapters 17 and 18 it talks about Ammon, and how he served the king. Through serving the king he was able to gain the kings trust, so the king would listen to him. The king was able to have the spirit manifest unto him that what he was being told was true. He had a desire to change, and he was converted. 
We have been doing everything that we can to serve the Taylor family, and we pray that they will have the desire to be baptized and to make these covenants with their Father in Heaven. They will be blessed immensely for doing so.

 That is good that you were able to go to Grandmas and be able to work on her house. How is she doing?
We did not receive any snow in Danville this week. They did get snow in Greensboro though, which is about an hour south of here. It didn't stick though. This week has been slightly warmer than previous weeks have been though! It is getting cooler. The cold here is much different at home. It goes straight through everything that you have on. Haha I'm going to miss the snow though.

I thought that I would include some fun facts and some things that we are doing this week :)
1. Dan River Mills was the largest textile company in the world before they closed. Their mill was here in Danville and is HUGE!! They employed around 23,000 people.
2. Thomasville Furniture company is the largest Furniture maker in the world, and their factories were located in Thomasville N.C. which is about an hour and a half south of here and in our mission.
3. Another Area in our mission is Burlington N.C. Burlington is the birthplace and I believe the headquarters of Burlington Coat Factory.
4.Charlotte Is the Headquarters of NASCAR
I think their are some others facts like that too, and I will let you know them when I hear them.

We have the amazing opportunity  to have a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles  coming to our mission this week. This Friday Elder Quinton L. Cook is coming to have a Mission Conference with all of the mission. We are excited to be able to learn from him. Sometimes we feel like we are standing in the midst of an apostle though with President Craven. He is such an amazing man, and Sister Craven is even more amazing. They came to our stake conference this week, and it was great to see them. 

 Thank you so much for all you do and I love you All!!
Elder Jorgensen

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