Monday, November 25, 2013

Cold! And I can have my Boots!

                                                                                                                      November 25, 2013

Thank you so much for the package! I got it right before I came here to E-mail. It was so great, and I love you all so much! We are having Thanksgiving with the Clays, so I will definitely bring those beans with me. Thank you! And it has been pretty cold here lately. The cold is so different here. So, it has been quite an eventful week for us here. First, to go with the cold, Our furnace in our house went out on Sunday night, and then we kept forgetting to call our land-lady until Thursday, so it was Friday before it was fixed. So, we had a few cold nights, but it was okay. We bundled up and slept just fine :) Luckily we had the car this past week too! This week may be a little colder, but we will see ;) Thank you so much for the long sweat pants. They saved my life!  Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving box!
 I think it will be fun for Y'all to go and do thanksgiving at Grandma Calls this year. Its a Great idea.
This week was also crazy because we spent about 30 hours helping the Taylor family get their house ready. I told dad more about it, so you will have to ask him about it all :) It was so cray that we actually had to move a few meetings that we have every week so that we could fit everything in. (Like District Meeting) It was a fun project though, and we hope all turns out for the best. We also were able to meet and shake hands with Elder Quinton L. Cook of the Quorum of the twelve apostles. That was a grand experience, and a memory that I will always cherish. He spoke alot about us returning home and starting our family's. Also that an intended consequence of sisters being able to serve at a younger age was not only that there would be more sisters in the field, but more families would have both parents as returned missionaries. He also talked about how missionaries are called. He said that we are all called to a mission for either one, or multiple of three reasons. First is that the missionary needs the mission president. Second was that the people in that area need that missionary, or he needs them. And Third was that they didn't know what, but an event would occur in that missionaries life in which they needed to be in that mission for it to happen. And he said that if they got one wrong, they knew it. Within 2 of 3 other calls assigned, they would feel so uneasy that they could not keep going. They would then go back, and without fail find one a few back that he had gotten wrong. THAT IS SO GREAT!! I love that it is so inspired as to where we serve. I think for me it was for my Mission President. I love President and Sister Craven so much! They are truly parents to me while I am away from y'all. While they could never in a million years replace you, It is great have them. They are so amazing. We can feel the love that He and Sister Craven have for us. 
And that would be so great if you wanted to pass my address along to Breann for me! I would love to hear from her. We are most likely going to Skype from the church, because I had to buy a webcam. So, we might just use my webcam and stay here at the church. Or, we may end up at a members home? I have no idea yet.
Oh, So I found out that I can have my boots while on my mission!! I can only wear them while I'm around the house and doing service, but I was so excited! So, Maybe for Christmas you could send them to me? And they said that we will finally get I-pads the first week of December. We are so excited for those. They will be a great tool of communication and finding for us. Do the Elders a home have I-pads yet? And who are the families and investigators that the elders are working with? Sorry my letter is kinda short this week, but its all I can think of to include :) Thank you so much for all that y'all do, and I love y'all so much! Keep reading your scriptures every night, and saying prayers. I hope Andy and Cris and Nate are all reading the Book of Mormon daily. The Book has so much power in it. I love it so much. It truly does change lives. I'm going to include in this an attachment of a couple talks that y'all should listen too. They are by Elder Holland. He is such a great speaker!  I think I will try and send you all a talk to listen to and study every week, and then y'all can tell me what you think about it. 
Well, I love you all and will talk to you soon! 
Elder Jorgensen

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