Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Staying in Danville

Written November 11, 2013

I have heard a little bit about the Philippines from the local members, but not too much. I heard that it's one of the worst storms in history, and is really strong and bad. The teaching with other investigators is going pretty well, and we picked up another solid investigator this week. We have the Taylor Family who has been being taught for about a year and a half. They do not have baptismal dates yet, but we hope to have some set for them soon.  mark/punish them. We feel like the entire  they came to church on Sunday, and they have been several times. Basically the entire ward is their fellow-shippers, because everyone knows them, and is friends with them! They stayed for Gospel Doctrine class and the lesson this week was on baptism, so we hope that the hit them and they will understand the importance of being baptized. They already know that the Book of Mormon is true, and she quotes verses from 2 Nephi and Mosiah regularly.
That is sad that y'all lost because ya just didn't show up to play. This season had to have been amazing for them anyways. I know that the experiences that they were all able to have this year were all for a reason. The experiences that they have had are ones not alot of people ever get to experience in their lives! That is a great experience with the Moose. It is so great that you are willing and able to see those little things as blessings from out father in heaven. I know that they are blessings, and that those small in simple things is how God is able to show his love for us.  I think the hardest thing back here for me to figure out is the roads. I'm used to the roads being on a grid system. and kinda running that way, but that's not how it is back here. None of the roads seem to connect to each other. All of them just have names, so its hard to know where a house is, or which direction it even is from you. A GPS is essential out here! haha.

We received Transfer calls this Saturday night. Both my companion and I will be staying here in Danville, so y'all don't need to worry any more ;) 
 I did get your package and everything made it alright. Except I don't remember their being any CD's or a flash drive or anything like that besides the card reader. How fast the time goes seems to fluctuate for me alot. Some days go really fast, and some go really slow. This past week went really slow, but the weeks before this past one all went pretty fast. Hopefully this week flies by as well. I got a bunch of letters on like Wednesday when I got your package, so that always makes things better :) We love getting mail!! haha That rat thing was pretty crazy, but made me laugh too! :D Oh, and funny thing, you would think since it's pretty humid here that your skin and face wouldn't get dry, but I feel more dry here that I ever did back home. So, I had to finally get some lotion today. we'll see if it actually does anything or not. 

Oh, a few items of business... Please no more candy for a little while. haha I've gained 5 pounds already. Maybe for Christmas y'all could send me a GPS. When my Comp leaves I will need one.   Love you All!!! Keep reading the scriptures every night, and praying together. Learn the scriptures as much as you can, and hopefully mom and dad can go out with the missionaries on teams. They need all the support and help they can get. also try and find referrals for them, and fellowship the investigators that they do have. Love you!!
Elder Jorgensen 

And Brother Burke is the one who lived across the street from us, and the one that was baptized this last week. 

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