Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Love from Home

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:13 AM,

Hey Elder Matt,
Boy it was so great to talk to you this morning! 9 minutes wasn't enough but I guess 90 wouldn't have been enough either. It was good to hear your voice. Paxten and Keasa loved talking to you as well. Your brothers were still asleep and there wasn't time to wake them, but we had talked the night before and this morning, They send all of their love and support. They were glad to here you sounded good and were excited.  I hope you loved flying. Paxten wanted to know how big your plane was. I told him it was huge. :)  Well your there now, a full time Ambassador of the Lord starting the service you have been prepared for. You will be Amazing!! We hope the next year and 11 1/2 months go by as fast as the last week did for you. ;) You will have to tell us all about the Mission home and Pres. Craven and his wife.  I'm sure they are nice. Are you in a companionship or a 3some? who is your trainer and where is he from?  Hows the humidity? Send us an address where we can send mail and packages ASAP.
Talon's farewell was yesterday, we went.people love you! He did a good job
So I forgot to ask you about your FB while you were on the phone. I would still like to clean it up and  check it for you. I don't know if you can remember what the new password you entered was or if you'll have to reset it. The thing is you can't access that email account to do anything. So I guess just let me know what you can that would be Awesome!!  
EmojiThe game Friday was good we kind of told you about it on the phone, I want to give you all the details you want without making you homesick or feeling left out. Cris's senior year when you are here is going to Rock! Rigby is going to stay on top for awhile. We didn't play as well as we had the week before but the attitude has changed to a win no matter what instead of we can't pull this off.  "So what. Now what" is really making a difference. Refs, bad plays, so what, now what. Andy says the over all attitude of the players is better. they pick each other up and are better friends on and off the field. The score was 21-19. Drew Zagula carried the ball well and got one touch down. Hayden and Landon Larsen connected a few times a couple were Very pretty. 2 were  TDs.  Century had 2 or 3 quarterbacks. one could scramble, one could pass and one to hand off. it really kept our defense on its toes. But Norm totally handled it. We blocked a couple of PAT's and a crutcial punt. It was 18-19 at this point.  on the final drive Hayden put the ball in the middle of the field so Alan Caudillo could kick a field goal Then we drew Century off sides. so instead of kicking 27 yards they moved 5 yards closer. He nailed it no problem. It was also Alan's birthday! cool present! There was about 2 min left on the clock then so we defended 4 more downs then just stalled the min that was left. Hayden ran for 56 yards and completed 14 of 22 passes.  So this week we play Madison should be a good game- they are yet to win. Ririe got beat by firth last week 59-7. Their new coach isn't working out so well. ;)
I F beat Skyline in the emotion bowl 44-22. IF is really good this year. Bonneville is the only other team at 4A that is really good this year.  Blackfoot doesn't have much either.
Saturday we went and got wood. We went with Sorensen's and it was kinda fun. We filled Doug's big trailer then got about 3 rows in Floyd's dump trailer. There isn't much dead stuff left up there. We went a little further up than before and a lot of the land on one side is privately owned. And a mile or 2 further you run out of forest. it is just open ground and hills. We were suprised. So next year we will be hunting for a different place to go. But while we were waiting for Dad and Doug to fall a couple of trees, a guy drove up and said he had some ground on the other side that he was clearing an we could have all the wood he had already cut and didn't need. So Dad finished and Doug went and cut up about 1/2 a cord. Then the guy told them he would be back next week end and he would haul out all we wanted to cut. So we are going back up  this weekend to try and fill both trailers with some that's a little easier to get.  See blessings are already coming. ;)
Mrs. Thurber said to tell you Hi and that you did a Great job training Raina. She said they are in good hands till you come back. :) Emoji
I guess I'm walking/running my first 5K with Aunt Kara in 2 weeks. Think I can train as fast as you did?? ;0 I'm not a runner, as you know, but I told you before if you can do hard things so can I, and this is a Stretch for me! But I really hope to get better.  We are so Proud of you!! Emoji
I'm excited for conference this week end. I find it hard to believe that it was a year ago that Pres. Monson made that historic announcement that changed the age. And now look you are already serving. Wow what a difference a year makes. I find it a little exciting that you are out right now and that I have a piece of the almost 80,000 servants of the Lord. AMAZING!! and Awesome!!
I know your time is limited and I don't want to suck it all up with you reading. We are all fine. Love you so much. I hope your brothers get their emails off before your p-day. Can't wait to hear how you are and all about your first few days. Have you heard from others?

We Love you so much and pray for you every minute of  everyday! You are never far from our thoughts. Work hard and Brush your teeth! We Love you So much!
Mom and Dad and Fam  Emoji

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