Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Get to work

                                                                                          October7, 2013
I agree. I would have loved to talk more, but there were only three phones, and 25 of us flying to Charlotte. but its okay. at first I didn't really like it here, but I'm liking it more and more. i think the hardest part so far in not knowing anyone and trying to remember their names. I'm so bad at remembering names! President and sister Craven are so nice and wonderful! they love us all so much, and they are so spiritual. they are not only interested in making good missionary's, but making good men and women. one of their favorite sayings is "today, tomorrow, and forever" like...no matter how hot it is outside, you should never roll your sleeves up. that's a today, tomorrow, and forever principal. I am in a companionship in Danville, Virginia.  I haven't noticed the humidity too much yet. It has gotten a little hot during the day, but not too bad.
As for being prepared for this, I don't think you can really anticipate exactly what it will be like. not that that's a bad thing, its just different from anything you have ever done. the biggest thing that i think would help the most is to do everything in seminary that you can. Don't just read the Book of Mormon, but study it and know the stories and what are in it. a huge thing that would help them so much is to have all the scripture masteries memorized and to know where they are!! I think besides having read the Book of Mormon is to know those. When we go into someones home, or we meet someone on the street, we need to share a message that will help them with the problems they are facing in their lives. If we can do that through the book of Mormon we can more easily let the spirit touch them, and better help them. but if they have a question about faith, and we don't know that in Alma 32:21 it says that faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things, we cant share that with them, and the spirit cant touch them. even though we are promised that in the very hour that we need it our mouths will be filled, if the spirit has nothing to pull from, how can it fill our mouths? 
and you will be happy to know that I have brushed my teeth every morning and night without fail! 
Thank you so much dad!! i love you so much!! That is so cool that they are starting that construction! where will the new ones be? in that torn up area kinda by your shop? and that is such a good idea for the heating! it sounds like a very conservative and useful use of their resources. will it generate alot of power? do you loose some of the effectiveness of the steam because of the turban?
Of course i think it is okay that you are doing this 5K thing! i think it is so cool, and it inspires me to do more! every morning we have workouts for 30min, and i don't really like doing that, but i have new found commitment to it knowing that you are working hard back home, i will work just as hard here to stay in shape and even when im tired or hurting, we will keep going and talking to people and spreading the truth. thank you so much for that!! i love you so much!! 
That is such a crazy firewood story, but that is so cool!! i cant believe that there is that much wood out back now! have they started to split and stack it yet? and yes, i can receive and sent pictures. i would love some of those pictures! 
thank you all so much for all of your prayers and everything headed my way! its so nice, and i love you all! its been slightly discouraging because i went on two exchanges my first week here in Danville, and it seems like thus far we having accomplished anything yet. i haven't even taught one lesson yet. our area in kind of dead right now, and we have no progressing investigators. but that's okay, don't worry. that just means that we have a lot of work to get done, and lots of people to talk to. Elder L and i have both made it our goal to kill it this week! we are going to work hard and help the spirit bring at least 10 people unto Christ this week! I'm so excited to finally be able to get to work this week, and feel like we are actually getting something done. i read the account of President Hinckley, and how he wrote home and said that he felt like he was wasting his time and his dads money but his dad said "forget yourself and go to work, and that was really good for me to hear. its time for me to forget myself and go to work.
Love you all!!
Elder Jorgensen

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